Lean Canvas Example: Lean Canvas Business Model Example For 2022

Lean Canvas Example: Lean Canvas Business Model Example in 2022. Lean Canvas Model Example. Example of Lean Canvas Business Model.

Lean Canvas Model

The Lean Canvas model refers to a business plan template outlining nine essential elements of the new business. In 2010, Ash Maurya developed the one-page business template and termed it the Lean Canvas Model. The lean canvas model assists entrepreneurship in pre-assume the nine essential critical ideas related to the Business.

Lean Canvas is adapted from Business Model Canvas introduced by Alex Osterwalder in 2005. Therefore, the lean canvas model is also known as the Lean Canvas Business Model.  The alternative names of the Lean Canvas are the Lean Canvas Model, Lean Business Canvas, Lean Business Model, Lean Startup Canvas, and Lean Canvas Online.

Lean Canvas Business Model

Lean canvas business model refers to a one-page business plan template describing nine key idea elements related to the market: problem, solution, unique value proposition, unfair advantage, customer segments, key metrics, channels, cost structure, and revenue structure. However, the additional elements of the lean canvas model are existing alternatives, high-level concepts, and early adopters. It replaces detailed business plans with a concise and single-page business template. 

History of the Lean Business Model

Lean Canvas Business Model is adopted from Business Model Canvas, and Business Model Canvas was adapted from Business Model Ontology. In 2004, Alex Osterwalder introduced Business Model Ontology for digital business. After one year, In 2005, he introduced the Business Model Canvas based on the previous theory “Business Model Ontology.” In 2010, Ash Maurya introduced the Lean Canvas model for entrepreneurship to start a new business with concise information regarding the business, including problem, solution,  target audiences, competitors, and so more.

Lean Canvas Example

The example of the lean canvas has been presented in this article so that students and viewers can understand how to create a lean canvas business model template for new businesses. Sometimes, lecturers provide assignments to students on how to create a lean canvas model template for starting up a new business.

Lean Canvas Example – Word File Download Link

Lean Canvas Business Model Example

Lean Canvas Business Model Example- Lean Canvas Word Template Example
Figure 1: Lean Canvas Example
How to Fill Out a Lean Canvas
Lean Canvas Business Model- Lean Canvas Word Template Example
Figure 2: Example of Lean Canvas business model

Lean Canvas Business Model Example

BambooS- An Eco-Friendly Company in Malaysia

BambooS is an environment-friendly company in Malaysia that produces bamboo straws. Nowadays, restaurants do not provide plastic straws due to polluting the ocean extremely. So, the BambooS has come up with straw made of Bamboo. These products are cheap, portable, reusable, and decomposable. The government of many countries, including Malaysia, has given directives to reduce the use of plastic. Therefore, many restaurants, including McDonald’s, KFC, PizzaHut, and Nando’s, do not provide plastic straws. It is challenging to drink juice without a straw; hence BambooS has started to sell portable and reuseable bamboo straws.

It is an example of a Lean Canvas template filled out by BambooS, an eco-friendly company in Malaysia. The student at University Putra Malaysia students completes these lean startups for assignment purposes. However, entrepreneurship also follows the same instructions to complete the lean canvas template. Hopefully, it will assist employees in obtaining ideas on how to fill out a lean canvas.

Lean Canvas Business Model Example- Lean Canvas Word Template Example
Lean Canvas Business Model Example

The Lean Canvas example will help students and employees to know how to fill the lean canvas word template. The author has attached a blank and filled lean canvas word template for entrepreneurship. It will definitely assist the new businessmen to start new businesses wisely.

Elements of Lean Canvas

The 9 Elements of the Lean Canvas Business Model are:
  1. Problem
  2. Solution
  3. Unique Value Proposition
  4. Unfair Advantage
  5. Customer Segments
  6. Key Metrics
  7. Channels
  8. Cost Structure
  9. Revenue Structure
1. Problem

Firstly, as an entrepreneur, you have to identify existing problems that you want to solve with the new products and services. It is crucial to find out at least three essential problems that your product and service will completely solve. Therefore, the entrepreneur needs to list down three problems under the problem section in the lean canvas.

For example, according to BambooS’ lean canvas, the three problems are environmental pollution, one-time use, and restaurants do not provide plastic straws now. So, BambooS is a new company that has outlined these three problems.

2. Solution

The solution is the goal of your business. So, you have to outline the solution to the problems mentioned in the problem section. The solutions have to be concise, significant, and capable enough to resolve the problems.

For example, according to figure 3, the three solutions are eco-friendly products, reusable and portable. These three proposed solutions are sufficient to resolve the problems.

3. Unique Value Proposition

A unique value proportion refers to a commitment of value that the product or service will definitely provide. It is the fundamental reason for what the customer will buy the products or services. So, you have to differentiate your product or services from others to grab customers’ attention. The unique value proposition also represents the company tagline, somewhat relevant to the mission and vision.

For example, the unique value proposition of the BambooS products is bamboo straws- reusable and eco-friendly products, customized products- of different sizes and made of natural material. The tagline is Grab me with zero pollution to save the planet.

4. Unfair Advantage

Unfair advantage denotes something of the company that competitors will not be able to replicate. The exceptional quality of the product or services makes the company distinguished. However, it would help if you had to remember that your unfair advantages are sustainable. 

For example, BambooS company’s unfair advantages are the new eco-friendly product, unique packaging with a jute pouch bag, and engraved service. These unfair advantages are sustainable and exceptional that no company offers now in Malaysia. 

5. Customer Segments

The problems and customer segments are interconnected issues; because the customers create problems. So, the problem can not endure without customers.  Additionally, customers are the consumer of your products and services. Therefore, you have to analyze your target customer before identifying the problems. Additionally, you have to keep in mind some issues related to the customers, such as where your customer lives, the economic conditions, the demographic factors, and so more. Customer segmentation is also known as geographics, psychographics, and demographics in marketing.

For example, the BambooS authority has chosen the University Putra Malaysia to target audiences. Additionally, they have included Cafe and Restaurant at UPM, Facebook and Instagram Users, and eCommerce Marketplaces (Lazada & Shopee Users) in the customer segment section. 

6. Key Metrics

Key metric refers to the factors that the company owner measure to run the business properly. The key metric drives the performance of the business, so the owner must need focus on these factors to keep the record. Actually, key metrics are the statistical data related to market share, consumers, number of new users, revenue per customer, and so more. For example, how many followers of the social media pages and the monthly sales revenue. Sometimes, management invests in marketing based on the key metrics data. Every company invests to get

For example, the three key metrics of the BambooS company are active community growth rate at UPM and bamboo straw users, Social media page followers and monthly selling rate, and customer positive feedback vs. sales revenue. These data will definitely help the authority to adopt a strategic marketing policy to increase sales revenue. If the company can sell the product properly on social media platforms compared to offline sales, they definitely focus on increasing followers on social media pages to earn more. 

7. Channels

Channels are the media in which management reaches the customers. The channel plays an essential media in conducting a marketing campaign.  Many types of channels or media allow you to reach customers as well as regulate campaigns. The two most important types of communication channels are offline and online channels. The offline channels are face-to-face marketing, placard, banner, festoon, newspapers, TV, and radio.

On the other hand, online media are social media platforms, e-commerce sites, and website traffic. Usually, the market analyzer researches the customer’s background to decide which channels they want to use to conduct a marketing campaign. Nowadays, most companies utilize e-commerce and social media channels to conduct digital marketing. The covid-19 pandemic has changed people’s lifestyles, business patterns, and education procedures. Many organizations use online webinars to conduct organizational meetings and regulate business properly.

For example, the BambooS’ authority has chosen Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, company’s official website, Lazada, Shopee, and  Word-of-mouth marketing- WOM for the UPM community.  

8. Cost Structure

Cost structure refers to the costs of launching a new business, for example, equipment acquisition costs, marketing costs, operational costs, and website domain and hosting costs. According to a statistic report, around 90 percent of new companies fail to operate due to not considering the total cost of starting and driving the business. Therefore, the owner needs to launch a new business after arranging the full payment.

For example, the BambooS’ authority outlines the sectors where they have to initially invest money to launch the business. The list is following:

  • Purchasing Bamboo, Pouches, Coconut fiber cleaning brush, and Paper box.
  • Delivery fee.
  • 3D Printing service cost.
  • Website design and online Paid-advertising.
9. Revenue Structure

Revenue is the key performance indicator of a company. The factors of the company’s performance and the revenue has a positive relationship that influences each other. Revenue structure is also known as a revenue stream. You have to assess and set the price of the product before releasing it to the market. Many companies make the mistake of setting a meager price when launching the product in the market.

The minimum price may bring an adverse impact on business. It damages the future probabilities of your business. Firstly, you might lose a customer when increasing your product price later. The price module must be tested several times through multiple ways to catch the market by the products. The revenue structure depends on the type of business, whether you want to sell products or services. It also depends on whether the company is online platforms based or physical market-based.

For example, BambooS includes the factors to the revenue model, such as physical product selling, launching price is not so much low or high, and online selling price lower than direct selling.

Difference Between Lean Canvas and Business Model Canvas

Lean Canvas Business Model- Lean Canvas Word Template Example

Firstly, Ash Maurya developed the Lean Canvas Model in 2010, whereas Alex Osterwalder introduced the Business Model canvas in 2005.

Secondly, the nine basic elements of the lean canvas model are the problem, solution, unique value proposition, unfair advantage, customer segments, key metrics, channels, cost structure, and revenue structure. On the other hand, the nine fundamental elements of the Business model canvas are customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure.

Additionally, the Lean canvas model is suitable for new entrepreneurs who want to start a new business and startup. In contrast, Business Model Canvas is suitable for an existing business.

Usually, entrepreneurs, founders, and investors of the company apply the lean canvas model. However, the senior manager, marketing manager, and operation manager utilize the business model canvas to yield positive outcomes from the business.

Moreover, applying lean canvas aims to identify the problem and solution to fit new entrants. On the other hand, using the Business model canvas understands the existing market and identifies opportunities.

Furthermore, the basis of the lean canvas model indicates testing ideas, assessing the assumption, and focusing on the value proposition. In contrast, the basis of the Business model canvas shows advanced and progressive innovation.

Lean Canvas Versus Business Model Canvas Example

Lean Canvas Business Model, Lean Canvas Word Template & Example

Lean Canvas Business Model Example For Google

A sample of a lean model canvas of Google has been presented here to better understand how to fill out the template.

Lean Canvas Business Model, Lean Canvas Word Template & Example

Lean Canvas Business Model Example For YouTube

Lean Canvas Business Model, Lean Canvas Word Template & Example

Types of Photojournalism- Different Types of Photojournalism

Types of Photojournalism- Different Types of Photojournalism & Photography PDF. Photojournalism Examples.

Types of Journalism


Photojournalism uses photography to explain a moment, issue, incident, or story. It is a way of storytelling that represents a story visually via photos. Photojournalism is a part of print journalism that has become an essential part of journalism. In photojournalism, the photo attracts the audience to spend more time on it. It enhances the story like a news lead that illustrate the entire story shortly.

Types of Photojournalism

Different Types of Photojournalism in Photography

The 8 Types of Photojournalism are:

  1. Spot News Photojournalism
  2. General News Photojournalism
  3. Feature Photojournalism
  4. Sports Action Photojournalism
  5. Sports Features Photojournalism
  6. Portrait/Personality Photojournalism
  7. Pictorial Photojournalism
  8. Illustration Photojournalism
1. Spot News Photojournalism

Spot news photographs carry an urgent, unplanned, and often unpleasant or undesirable ambiance. The coverage cannot be scheduled in advance. Spot news photography includes automobile accidents, airplane crashes, tornadoes, fires, murders, bank robberies, etc. It also represents various acute, exciting, and usually noteworthy occurrences that help characterize life. Usually, spot news occurs without notice and ends quickly, or its most newsworthy aspects do. Unless aftermath photos are acceptable, photographers must arrive soon. Many newspaper photographers use police monitors, cellular telephones, and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to get spot news.

Types of Photojournalism- Example photo of spot photojournalism

Covering Spot News

Once the photographer has arrived, the key to successfully covering spot news is to quickly ascertain what is going on and decide which aspect is the most important and truthful—which element is the most appropriate. Then photographers marshal all the technological and creative aspects of photojournalism to inform readers well within appropriate legal restraints and ethical limitations. Photographers should always record what appears to be the essential aspect first. It would help if you made every reasonable effort to keep intrusion to a minimum—by using attention-getting flash, staying physically as far from the action as possible, respecting police lines, take care not to destroy potential evidence—by walking on them.

Spot news often presents two sides: the hard-core event and the secondary but often humanizing aspects.

2. General News Photojournalism

Journalistic organizations schedule the general news photojournalism process, termed general or planned news. Covering general news may not have the adrenaline-producing excitement of raging fires, police shootouts, etc., but this category regularly offers photojournalists opportunities to inform readers about significant happenings. General news allows photojournalists to plan to know a story—what it is, where it came from, where it is, and where it probably is headed. If time allows, delve into subjects so you can make informed decisions about coverage and emphasis—you can avoid covering the superficial and obvious gimmick setup. Photojournalists should get familiar with the subject and physical layout of coverage sites.

Covering General News

You must be cooperative with reporters from your organization who can help you in your quest to inform readers visually. Reporters can provide insight into a story that photojournalists might miss.

Hard News
Two Types of General News
  1. Hard News: Something that’s happening now. It’s “important” news. Seeks to inform rather than entertain.
  2. Breaking News: Hard news that’s happening right now. An ongoing story. 
3. Features News Photojournalism

The feature is a broad category that includes images with at least some news value and pictures that may easily fit in one or more other non-news categories.

Two Types of Feature photojournalism  are:

1) Lighthearted images that entertain more than inform.
2) Serious images that inform more than entertain.

Feature photojournalism examples:

For example, light-hearted images are squirrels chewing on nuts, children playing in large boxes, and parents pushing children on swings.

For example, serious images are dying people with AIDS mounting a valiant fight against the disease, a child violin prodigy destined for fame. Serious images convey news overtones or connections or probe the life of their community, to reach toward their subjects’ hearts and souls.

Editors use feature articles when space is available, and they have no images of a more severe and essential nature or when the graphically dull page needs sprucing up.

4. Sports Action Photojournalism 

Sports action images are interested in capturing the actions as they happen. Photographing sports action is dangerous. 

However, there are three important ways to minimize your risk in covering spots action and to ensure you record critical moments:

  1. Firstly, knowing how games are played.
  2. Secondly, knowing players’ and coaches’ strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.
  3. Finally, constantly being alert to potential as well as actual action.

Sports Action

Covering Sports Action

1. Using telephoto lenses of 180mm and longer is suitable for sports action coverage.

2. Motor drives are highly desirable because no photographer can regularly capture the action height with a single manual exposure.

3. Monopods also are highly desirable when using telephoto lenses because monopods provide a relatively steady platform

4. Unless they have a specific reason to do otherwise, photographers should follow the ball in games where it is used.

5. Photographers should carry a short telephoto and a wide-angle or a zoom equivalent while covering the action. This allows photographers to record other scenes related to the game, mainly features and activities close to them.

5. Sports Features Photojournalism

Sports feature pictures are the same as features, except they always involve sports. Photographers take these pictures immediately before, during, or after sporting events and may take them at other times. Sports features round out sports events by revealing their off-stage activities. They humanize sports, showing the emotions of players, coaches, and spectators and conveying other game-related activities that are important but arguably secondary to gameplay.

Sports Features Photojournalism Examples

For Example, opposing coaches embracing after a hard-fought game, a player on the losing side weeping, etc.

Sports Features

6. Portrait / Personality Photojournalism

The portrait/Personality category is not all faces, but it offers glimpses into hearts and souls. The photographer lets readers walk in the shoes of those pictured.

Although faces lend themselves to the person’s scrutiny, portrait/personality images need not be facial views to probe for deeper meaning. Back pictures and body forms can speak volumes. Good portrait/personality images reveal as much about the photographer as the photographer. Only image-makers attuned to nuances of nonverbal communication and comfortable with personal interaction can consistently visually plumb subjects’ inner selves. It represents emotion and sympathy.

Portrait Photography

7. Pictorial Photojournalism

Outstanding images in the pictorial category showcase the artistic side of photojournalism. Pictorials typically depend on light and form and their interaction. These images make readers pause, perhaps to reminisce about pleasant and similar experiences or to feel a little better and a little brighter.

 Pictorial typically entertains more than informs.

8. Illustration Photojournalism

Illustration photojournalism refers to combined or manipulated images that create a “new” image. Nevertheless, news photographers can not manipulate a picture without calling it a photo illustration.  Images in this category visually try to convey ideas concepts, and products. Both categories demand a particularly high technical photographic expertise and keen, incisive minds that can produce images that convey the intended messages while doing so in clever, eye-catching ways.

Examples Photo of Illustration Photojournalism

Illustration Photojournalism Types

In conclusion, the eight examples of photojournalism are spot news, general news, feature, sports action, sports features, portrait, pictorial and illustration photojournalism.