Demographic Questionnaire Example For Research PDF

Demographic Questionnaire For Research PDF. Demographic Questionnaire Examples. Example of Demographic Profile Questionnaire For Students

Demographic Questionnaire

The demographic questionnaire is a collection of demographic questions assigned to separate the respondents into similar subgroups based on socioeconomic data such as age, gender, education, religion, income, and family status. It allows surveyors and researchers to obtain background information from the respondents. A cluster of demographic questions forms a demographic questionnaire. So, the demographic questionnaire includes questions about the respondent's age, gender, nationality, education, race, religion, experience, economic condition, health condition, technology usage, and family status. It is an effective tool for market surveyors to conduct audience segmentation. Therefore, it is familiar as a demographic example for market segmentation. It is also essential for researchers to collect qualitative and quantitative research information. Researchers utilize these questionnaires to gain data from respondents and informants.

Examples of Questionnaires in Research

Demographic Questionnaire For Research

The demographic questionnaire for research means a bundle of questions set by the researchers to obtain socio-demographic information from the respondents and informants. Informants denote participants in the qualitative analysis. In contrast, respondents indicate the participants in the quantitative survey research. Researchers utilize these questionnaires to gain participants' background information in qualitative and quantitative studies.

The questionnaire is crucial for demographic, geographic, and psychographic market research. This article presents the demographic questions that assist in collecting data.

Demographic Questionnaire For Research PDF. Sample Demographics Questionnaire for Students. Demographic Questionnaire For Research DOC.
Demographic Questionnaire For Research PDF

Questionnaire Introduction Example

The students and researchers add a questionnaire introduction before the demographic information to explain the study. The questionnaire introduction sample is as follows:

Dear Respondents,

My name is Kobi, and I am currently studying for a Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Business and Economics at the University of Putra Malaysia. I am conducting the research entitled "Title of the Research." This questionnaire includes 20 questions that might not take more than 10 minutes. However, all the information you provide in this questionnaire is intended to complete the study only. So, your info on this questionnaire will be preserved strictly confidential and used only for survey purposes. Thank you.

Demographic Questionnaire Example For Research

The 33 Demographic Questions For Survey

The following example of the demographic questionnaire for research includes 28 questions about the respondents.

SECTION A: Demographic Questions

(Instructions: Please complete this section by circling the following answers)
1. What is Your Age?
1. 15-20
2. 25-30
3. 30-35
4. Above 35

2. What is Your Gender?
1. Male
2. Female
3. Transgender
4. Others...(Please specify)
5. Prefer not to answer

3. What is Your Nationality?
1. Filipinos
2. Non-Filipinos
3. Others…(Please specify)

4. What is Your Race?
1. Black
2. White
3. Brown
4. Others

5. What is Your Current Location?
1. Manila
2. Quezon City
3. Davao City
4. Others...(Please specify)

6. What is Your Ethnicity?
1. Asian
2. Chinese
3. African
4. Others...(Please specify)

7. What is Your Education Level?
1. Foundation
2. Diploma
3. Undergraduate
4. Postgraduate

8. What is Your Religion?
1. Christianity
2. Muslim
3. Hinduism
4. Buddhism
5. Other... (Please specify)

9. What is Your Marital Status?
1. Single
2. Married
3. Divorced
4. Widowed
4. Others...(Please specify)

10. What is Your Employment Status?
1. Business-Owner
2. Self-Employed
2. Non-Employed
3. Others... (Please specify)

11. What is Your Economic Status?
1. High Income
2. Middle Income
3. Low Income

12. What is Your Job Experience?
1. New
2. Expert
4. Veteran
5. Others…(Please specify)

13. What Group Are You Associated With?
1. Sports Group
2. Civic Group
3. Social Working Group
4. Political Group
5. Others... (Please specify)

14. What is Your Family Status?

1. Extended Family
2. Nuclear Family
3. Others... (Please specify)

15. What is Your Living Status?
1. Owner
2. Tenant
3. Lease
4. Subtenant
3. Others...(Please specify)

16. What is Your Main Language?
1. English
2. Filipino
3. Malay
4. Hindi
5. Others...(Please specify)

17. What Is Sexual Orientation?
1. Heterosexual
2. Homosexual
3. Bisexual
4 Pansexual
5. Asexual
6. Lesbian
7. Gay

18. Where Do You Stay in Malaysia?
1. Kuala Lumpur
2. Petaling Jaya
3. Cyberjaya
4. Klang
5. Kajang
6. Puchong
7. Seri Kembangan
8. Others(Please Specify)

19. What is Your Political Affiliation?
1. Democratic
2. Republican
3. Independent
4. Others (Please Specify)

20. Are You Involved With Local or National Politics?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Prefer Not To Say

21. How Many Years Do You Work In This Organization?

  1. Less than one year
  2. 02-05 Years
  3. More than 05 Years

22. Number of People Living in Your Household.

  1.  One
  2.  Two
  3.  Three
  4.  Four
  5.  Five or More23. Do you have children?
  1. Yes
  2. No

If yes, please specify the number of children and their ages:

  • Number of children: ________
  • Ages: _______________________
24. Frequency of Family Gatherings:
  1. Daily
  2. Weekly
  3. Monthly
  4. Rarely
  5. Never

25. Level of Family Support Available:

  1. Very supportive
  2. Somewhat supportive
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat unsupportive
  5. Not supportive at all
Health and Lifestyle

26. What is your height?
1. 150-160 centimeters
2. 161-170 centimeters
3. 171-180 centimeters
4. More than 181 centimeters

27. What is your height?
1. 50-60 kg
2. 61-70 kg
3. 71-80 kg
4. More than 81 kg

28. What is Your Physical Activity Level?
1.  Sedentary
2. Light
3. Moderate
4. Vigorous
5. Prefer not to say

29. What is your Dietary Preferences?
1. Vegetarian
2. Vegan
3. Omnivore
4. Prefer not to say

30. What Types of Accessibility Do You Need?

  1. None
  2. Mobility impairment
  3. Visual impairment
  4. Hearing impairment
  5. Other (please specify: ______________)
Technology Use

31. How Frequently do you use the Internet?
1. Daily
2. Weekly
3. Monthly
4. Rarely
5. Never

32. What Types of Devices do you Own?
1.  Smartphone
2. Tablet
3. Laptop
4. Desktop Computer
5. Smartwatch
6. Other (Please specify)

33. What Operating System Do You Prefer To Use?

  1. iOS
  2. Android
  3. Windows
  4. MacOS
  5. Linux
  6. Other (please specify: ______________)

34. What is Your Internet Connection Type?

  1.  Broadband
  2. Mobile data
  3. Wi-Fi
  4. Dial-up
  5. Other (please specify: ______________)

35. What Is Your Primary Purpose of Technology Use?

  1.  Communication
  2. Entertainment
  3. Education
  4. Work
  5. Social networking
  6. Other (please specify: ______________)

36. Are You Interested in Adopting New Technologies?

  1.  Very interested
  2. Somewhat interested
  3. Neutral
  4. Not very interested
  5. Not interested at all

Demographic Questionnaire For Research PDF

The author presents examples of demographic questionnaires in pdf format for students. So, this content assists students in obtaining knowledge on how to make demographic questions for research. So these are examples of demographic questionnaires for college students. Additionally, this example helps researchers to develop survey questionnaires for further research. Hence, they are also known as demographic questionnaires for surveys. The author has attached a pdf demographic questionnaire so students and researchers can download it.

This is the sample of the demographics questionnaire for students.

Demographic Questionnaire For Research PDF
Demographic Questionnaire For Research PDF- Demographic Questions Example PDF

Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For Research Paper

Questionnaire Introduction Example. Survey Introduction Sample For Students. Also, the Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For the Research Paper

Survey Questionnaire

A survey questionnaire is a set of questions designed to conduct survey research for academic and business purposes. The researchers set survey questionnaires to collect data for quantitative analysis. The survey questionnaire aims to collect data from respondents. The survey questionnaire has three sections: questionnaire introduction, demographic questions or respondents' personal information, and research questions. Many researchers term quantitative research questionnaires as survey questions or surveys. However, the questionnaire differs from the quantitative survey and qualitative interview questions. The Survey and questionnaire introduction is the opening section of the questionnaire.

Questionnaire Introduction

The questionnaire introduction refers to the explanation part of the research questions and the preface of the questionnaire. It is also known as the survey introduction, which explains 5WS and 1 H questions regarding the research, such as who is collecting the data, the objective of the study, and how to collect the data. The questionnaire's introduction also describes how the researcher collects data from where. It also includes the objective of the research for the respondents and informants. Finally, the questionnaire introduction section ensures the participants or recipients will keep the survey data anonymous and confidential.

The four elements of the questionnaire introduction are the student or researcher's name, representing Institute or Organization name, the objective of the research also, data confidentiality, and anonymity.

The author has collected a few examples of questionnaire introductions from the final-year students at UPM to present to new researchers.  So, these examples will surely assist undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. students complete their thesis and dissertation. In addition, the researchers might obtain comprehensive knowledge on how to write the questionnaire's introduction and set questions.

Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper

Survey Questionnaire Introduction Example

The author shows questionnaire introduction examples for the thesis, dissertation, and research paper. So, the undergraduate and postgraduate students get ideas on how to write a survey questionnaire introduction. Additionally, examples of questionnaire introductions for research have been displayed for researchers. The questionnaire introduction is also known as the survey introduction.

Questionnaire Introduction Example- Survey introduction Sample

Example of Research Questionnaire Introduction

Thesis Title: An Examination of the Relationship Between Social Media Engagement and Citizen Journalism Practice

Dear Participants,
I am inviting you to participate in this research by completing the following survey. The aim of this research is to examine the Relationship Between Social Media Engagement and Citizen Journalism Practice. The following questionnaire will require approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for taking your time in assisting me with this research. Under no circumstances are you obliged to answer any of the questions, however, doing so will greatly assist me to complete my research and enhance the understanding of this research focus. The data collected will remain confidential and used solely for academic purposes.
M M Kobiruzzaman  
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication
University Putra Malaysia
Supervisor: Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Nizam Osman

Online Questionnaire Link

Questionnaire Introduction Example-1

Research Title: Goals and Effectiveness of Internal Communication amongst UPM Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications Students.
Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For Research Paper
Dear surveyor,
I am a student studying corporate communication in the last year student of the University of Putra Malaysia. My final year project is currently underway to examine the Goals and Effectiveness of Internal Communication among UPM Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications Students. I sincerely invite you to participate in this survey by filling in the following questionnaire. Your contribution to insight is precious. As per the survey questionnaires, you need about five minutes to complete them. Finally, I assure you that I will keep the information confidential and only use it for academic purposes. Glad to get your help! Thank you!
Sincerely yours, Student or Researcher Name:(For example, David Warner)
Faculty and University name: for example, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Email: for example,

Questionnaire Introduction Example-2

Research Title: The Emotional Impact of Peer Influence And Sexting Among University Students.

Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For Research Paper
Dear respondents,
I am a final year undergraduate student with a bachelor of communication at UPM. I request you to join my project by completing the following survey questionnaire. It may take around 3-5 minutes to complete the survey. However, we will use the research information for academic purposes.  Additionally, we will keep your responses anonymous and confidential. Your support towards my following research will help me conduct the study ideally. Thank you very much.
Sincerely, Name(For example, John)

Questionnaire Introduction Example-3

Dissertation Title: Investigation of the influence of Infordemic on UPM students' attitude towards Social Media

Survey Introduction Sample
Dear respondent,
I am a final year postgraduate student from the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication at UPM. I am surveying to help better understand how accurate and inaccurate information affects students' attitudes toward social media during the pandemic. To better understand the impact of the information epidemic, I would like to ask you some questions about the information you may be exposed to during the epidemic and your experience and feelings in the face of inaccurate and accurate information. Based on your experience, this survey may take you 5 to 8 minutes, not more than 10 minutes. Thank you for your participation.
Sincerely, (For example, Du Changmin)

Questionnaire Introduction Example-4

Survey Title: Social Media Influence on Corporate Branding for Universiti Putra Malaysia

Survey Introduction Example

Dear respondent, my name is Athaya, also a final year student at the Universiti Putra Malaysia. I am currently working on my final year research project to examine social media influence on corporate branding for Universiti Putra Malaysia. This survey questionnaire is open to local and international students from FBMK and FEP. This survey might not take more than 5 or 6 minutes.

Your participation is entirely voluntary, and all information collected in this survey will be kept strictly confidential. The information gathered will only be used for the following study purposes. You have the right to refuse to answer any questions/items or to avoid participating at any time for any reason. If you have any queries regarding the survey questions, do contact me via e-mail. Thank you for giving your valuable time to complete the following survey questionnaires.
Sincerely, (For example, Athaya)

Questionnaire Introduction Example-5

Thesis Title: The Relationship Between Cyberbullying on Social Media and The Impacts on Mental Health of Young Adults In Upm

Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For Research Paper

Dear participants, I am Raisa, also a student at the University of Putra Malaysia.  I am requesting you to participate in this research by completing the following questionnaire. This study aims to determine the relationship between cyberbullying on social media and the impacts on the mental health of young adults in UPM. However, this questionnaire will require approximately 5-10 minutes of your cooperation.
Everyone's experience matters in this study, and it is assured that your responses will be treated with extreme confidentiality. Thank you.
Sincerely, (For example, Raisa)

Questionnaire Introduction Example-6

Research Title: The Relationship Between Instagram Small Business Owner's Politeness Strategies and Customer's Satisfaction.
Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For Research Paper

Dear participants, my name is Alya. I am researching 'A Language Structure Analysis on Politeness Strategies in Mobile Media and Communication Between Instagram Sellers and Undergraduates', focusing on the interactions between Instagram small business owners and their customers. This questionnaire is open to all undergraduate students in Malaysia who have experience interacting with small Instagram sellers in Malaysia.

This questionnaire has three sections and will not take more than 10 minutes to complete. However, in one of the sections, you must upload a screenshot of conversations between the Instagram sellers.

This research is solely for academic purposes, and your assistance in completing the following questionnaire will be greatly appreciated. With the consent given by answering this survey, your participation and information will remain confidential, and anonymous and only be used for the following research purposes.
Thank you.
Sincerely, (For example, Alya)

Questionnaire Introduction Example-7

Research Project Title: The Study on Understanding the Perception of UPM Students on the Use of Online University Newspapers as Pedagogical Tools and Their Perception Towards Academic Performance
Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For Research Paper

Dear participants, this is Rocky, and I am inviting you to join my research project by completing the following survey questions. This study aims to understand the perception of the UPM students' academic performance towards online university newspapers in their research. This questionnaire will require approximately 5-10 minutes of your cooperation. Your assistance in my following research will significantly help me complete my research and enhance my research ability. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Sincerely, (For example, Rocky)

Questionnaire Introduction Example-8

Thesis Title: Determinants of UPM Students' Purchase Behaviour for Green Personal Care Products

Greetings from the Faculty of Human Ecology, University Putra Malaysia. I am Law Kai Wei, a student of Bachelor of Consumer Studies. I am currently researching my final year project entitled "Determinants of UPM Students' Purchase Behaviour for Green Personal Care Products."

This research investigates the factors that influence the intention and behavior to purchase green personal care products among UPM students.

This questionnaire has eight (8) sections and will only take around 10 minutes of your time. You agree that you will answer truthfully and consent to share your personal information by answering this questionnaire. Your participation will determine the accuracy and, most importantly, contribute to the success of this research. Any information given is confidentially assured, and participants will be kept anonymous.

I will very much appreciate your time and cooperation! Thank you.

Questionnaire Introduction Example-9

Thesis Title: Impact of COVID-19 on the Physical Activities and Social Interaction on the Psychological Wellbeing of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Students

Greetings! I am Ho Chang Xian from the Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia. I am conducting a final year project research entitled "Impact of COVID-19 on the Physical Activities and Social Interaction on the Psychological Wellbeing of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) students."
This research aims to determine the impact of COVID-19 on physical activity and social interaction on the psychological well-being of UPM students.
The questionnaire consists of 4 sections which are: A (Demography), B (Physical Activity), C (Social Interaction), and D (Psychology well-being).
This questionnaire should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
You hereby agree to participate in this research by clicking the following button voluntarily. Rest assured that your data will be kept confidential, and you may withdraw anytime before you submit this questionnaire.
If you have any inquiries or questions, you may contact me at:

Questionnaire Introduction Example-10

Thesis Title: The influence of the star online political news on the perception of political issues in Malaysia among upm students
Thesis Survey Introduction Example

Dear Participants,
I am researching "The Influence of The Star Online Political News on The Perception of Political Issues in Malaysia Among UPM Students." I invite you to participate in this research by completing the following survey. This research aims to analyze the relationship between Star Online political news consumption and its influence on the perception of political issues in Malaysia among UPM students. The following questionnaire will take approximately only 5-10 minutes to complete.

I truly appreciate your valuable time and effort in helping me with this research. Under no circumstances are you obliged to answer any of these questions; however, doing so will be very helpful for me to complete my research and improve my understanding of this research. I ensure that all your information and data collected for this research will remain confidential and will be used for academic purposes only. In conclusion, the questionnaire introduction sample applies to all types of research designed to survey. Sometimes, researchers should include self-introduction shortly.

Questionnaire Introduction Example-11

Dear All, 

All students are invited to participate in a study entitled, “An Exploratory Study of Cyber Sexual Harassment Among Female University Students at Higher Learning Institutions in Malaysia”. 

This study aims to study the cyber sexual harassment experience among female students at higher learning institutions in Malaysia and its impact on their academic performance, health, and self-esteem. The identity of the respondents and the higher learning institutions will be maintained anonymous and the results will remain confidential.    

A copy of the questions and the questionnaire link is enclosed here for your reference and further action :

Survey Questionnaire Introduction Example-12

Assalamualaikum wbt, and good day,


We wish to inform you that Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad, UPM is conducting a 'User's Satisfaction Survey' for the year 2023. Please assist us in our efforts to improve our existing services by spending a few minutes of your time answering the survey questions. This survey is designed for students and staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia. This survey aims to acquire users' feedback on the services, facilities, and infrastructure provided by the library. Please provide your comments and suggestions for further improving our services and facilities.

Please note that all responses are confidential and anonymous. The link to the survey questionnaire is as below:

Your support and cooperation are very much appreciated. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Roslan Ariffin (  Head of Reference Department, Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Thank you.

Final Year Project Survey Introduction Sample-13

Final Year Project: Perception of Green Consumption Intention Among Undergraduate Students in UPM.

Good day everyone! I am Teh Hooi Wen, a final year Bachelor of Accounting student at Universiti Putra Malaysia.

I am currently researching "Perception of Green Consumption Intention Among Undergraduate Students in UPM".  If you are a present UPM undergraduate student, I would like to invite you to participate in my research by completing this questionnaire.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could spend around 5 minutes to complete this survey. Kindly click the link below to access the questionnaire:

Please rest assured that all the information you provide will be kept confidential and solely used for this research. Your participation in answering this questionnaire would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to me at

Thank you for your time and effort.

Teh Hooi Wen
Bachelor in Accounting (Honours)
School of Business and Economics
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample-14

Research Topic: The Development of Career Adaptability Model for Students in Public Universities
Good day!

I am Divya, a PhD student and Graduate Research Assistant from the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Currently, my supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Lau Poh Li and I are conducting a study under the FRGS Grant entitled “The Development of Career Adaptability Model for Students in Public Universities”. The study involves exploring the career development of undergraduate and postgraduate students in research public universities in Malaysia.

I would like to humbly request if it is possible to send the research survey link to the students at Universiti Putra Malaysia. I have reached out to each faculty individually. They have forwarded the link to the students, however, the response is still low and we're in the final stage of data collection. I have attached the ethics approval received from the University of Malaya.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 012-000000 or e-mail me at Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

Survey Introduction Sample-15

This survey aims to evalate the business strategies that enhance consumer awareness and foster a positive attitude towards green consumption.
This survey also explore how the celebrities and social media platforms impacts in shaping consumer attitudes, promoting green consumption intentions.
Your thoughtful responses to the following questions are crucial. We will also make sure that your identity will remain anonymous, and your opinions will be used solely for the purpose of this research.
For any questions related to this survey, please contact Professor Abul Kalam, HSTU at
Instructions: Please complete this questionnaire by selecting the best response. It is important to answer all questions. It takes less than 10 minutes of your time.