William Shakespeare Famous Works

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born on 23rd April 1564, at Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire.
He died on 23rd April 1616.
William Shakespeare's Father's name was John Shakespeare.
Shakespeare's Mother's name was Mary Arden Shakespeare.
Shakespeare's Wife Name: Anne Hathaway.
William Shakespeare’s Nickname: The Swan of Avon.

The Famous Titles of William Shakespeare
  1. King without crown.
  2. The Bard of Avon.
  3. National poet of England.
  4. The greatest dramatist.
  5. The greatest superstar in the world.
  6. Poet of Human Nature - (Said by Dr. Samuel Johnson)

william shakespeare famous works and awards

William Shakespeare's Famous Literary Works

What are the 38 plays of Shakespeare

William Shakespeare's Plays (37 or 38) and Characteristics

His play consists of 'five acts'. William Shakespeare composed most of his plays in ' iambic pentameter ' ( a line of 10 syllables).

William Shakespeare lost two of his written plays. Those are:
1) Love's Labours Won.
2) The History of Cardenio.

Sonnets - 154. - William Shakespeare’s sonnet style is : Three quatrains and a couplet.
William Shakespeare is the innovator of 'Sakespearean Sonnet'.
He dedicated a few of his sonnets to his friend, named 'Earl of Southampton'.
William Shakespeare wrote 26 sonnets for some 'Dark Lady'.

William Shakespeare wrote three Long Narrative Poems.

Those are:
1) The Rape of Lucrece.
2) A Lover’s Complaint.
3) Venus and Adonis.

Some of his more famous poems are

1) The Passionate Pilgrim.
2) The Phoenix and the Turtle.
3) Under the Greenwood Tree - famous line: 'Life in nature is simple and free'.
4) Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

William Shakespeare's Famous Works (Plays)
William Shakespeare wrote 4 types of plays.
  1. Historical play.  ( Shakespeare wrote 10 historical plays).
  2. Tragedy ( Shakespeare wrote 12 tragedies).
  3. Tragi-comedy/problem play
  4. Comedy
1. William Shakespeare's Famous Works (Historical Plays-10)

William Shakespeare wrote 10 historical plays.

His first play was Henry (VI)- part 2.

  1. King John
  2. Richard (II)
  3. Richard (III)
  4. Henry (IV)- Part 1. Famous line: "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown".
  5. Henry (IV)- Part 2
  6. Henry (V).  A famous quote from Henry (V) is: "The empty vessel makes the loudest sound"." Men of few words are the best men ".
  7. Henry (VI)- Part 1
  8. Henry (VI)- part 2.
  9. Henry (VI)- Part 3
  10. Henry (VIII).
William Shakespeare's Famous Works (Tragedy-12)
1. Macbeth

Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy.

  • Main Plot/ Story: A soldier named Macbeth murders King Duncan of Scotland, influenced by his wife Lady Macbeth. And sat on the throne. But in the end they both dies.
  • Character: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, King Duncan, Malcolm, Banqo, Madcuff (a noble man) ,  Three witches.
  • Famous quotes of Macbeth :

1) " Fair is foul, and foul is fair " - Three witches.
2) " Life's but a walking shadow " - Macbeth.
3) " Life is a tale told by an idiot ".
4) " Look like an innocent flower but be the serpent under it " - Lady Macbeth.
5) " Here is still the smell of blood, all the perfumes of arabia will not sweeten this little hand ".

2. Hamlet

Hamlet means - A small village that doesn’t have a church.

  • Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play.
  • The play Hamlet has 7 soliloquies.
  • Being inspired by Thomas Kyd's 'The Spanish Tragedy', William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
  • Story: Hamlet is the prince of Denmark. His father King Hamlet, was murdered by the conspiracy of his uncle Claudius and mother Gertrude. Hamlet takes revenge for his father's death by murdering Claudius and Hamlet also dies by getting injured by a poisonous sword.
  • Character: King Hamlet, Hamlet (prince), Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Horatio, Laertes, Polonius.
  • Famous lines of Hamlet :

1) To be or not to be that is the question.
2) Frailty, thy name is a woman.
3) Brevity is the soul of wit.
4) There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
5) When sorrows come, they come not in single spies but in battalions.
6) There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.
7) There is a divinity that shapes our end.
8) Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend.
9) The play is a thing,  where i will catch the conscience of the king.
10) "What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason,  how infinite in faculties; in form and moving how express and admirable,  in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! "

3. Othello
  • Theme: Fatal consequences of doubt.
  • Story: Othello is a modern general of Venice, who doubts his wife Desdemona having an affair with his assistant soldier Cassio. And by driven by his doubt one day he killed his sleeping wife with his hand. Later he knew about the truth and conspiracy of Iago. Knowing the truth he chose the path of suicide.
  • Othello gave Desdemona a handkerchief as a token of love.
  • Character: Othello (The Moor), Desdemona, Brabantio (father of Desdemona),  Iago, Cassio, Emilia.
4. King Lear

A tragedy of an arrogant king.

Story: King Lear was a father of three daughters. Elder Goneril, then Regan, and the youngest Cordelia. Among his three daughters, the elder two were disloyal, greedy, and unfaithful. But won the king's heart with their sweet answers asked to them by the king. On the other hand, the youngest, loyal, and loving daughter couldn’t make his father happy with her words. King gets offended and disowns her youngest daughter. At the end, the king gets betrayed by the elder two daughters and Cordelia helps him. And King Lear repents for his wrongdoings.

  • Character: King Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia.
Famous lines of the play King Lear:

1) Nothing will come of nothing.
2) My love is richer than my tongue - Cordelia.
3) I am a man more sinned against than sinning. - King Lear.
4) Thankless children are sharper than poisonous snakes. - King Lear.

5. Julius Caesar
  • Julius Caesar was a ruler of Rome about 2000 years ago.
  • Story: A ruler of Rome Julius Caesar became the victim of his friend Brutus's betrayal. Brutus was influenced by a group of aristocratic people, became greedy for power, and murdered his close friend and ruler Julius Caesar.
  • Character: Julius Caesar, Brutus, Antonio.
Famous lines of the play Julius Caesar:

1) Cowards die many times before their death, But the valiant never taste death but once.- Julius Caesar.
2) Vini, Vidi, Vici (I came,  I saw, I conquered). - Julius Caesar.
3) Brutus,  you too! - Julius Caesar.

6. Romeo and Juliet

A tragedy of eternal love.

  • Story: Romeo and Juliet belong to two hostile aristocratic families in Italy. Romeo is the son of the Montague family and Juliet is from the Capulet family. Romeo and Juliet loved each other truly but their family refused them. And the Capulet family fixed the marriage of Juliet elsewhere. To escape from the marriage, Juliet planned and drank a sleeping medicine given by Laurence. Which will make her sleep for 42 hours and people will believe that she is dead. After 42 hours she will wake up and go with Romeo. But Romeo didn’t get the message of this planning, from Laurence on time. And he like others thought that Juliet was dead. Knowing that, his beloved is no more, Romeo drank poison and died beside Juliet's grave. After waking up from sleep, Juliet saw Romeo dead. She couldn’t bear the sight and killed herself with Romeo's knife.
  • Character : Romeo, Juliet, Montague, Lady Montague, Capulet, Lady Capulet, Laurence.
  • Quote: " What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet" - Juliet to Romeo.
7. Antony and Cleopatra
  • Cleopatra was the Queen of Egypt. Known as 'The Serpent of the Nile'.
  • Story: A love story of Cleopatra and his army General Antony. Antony while in a war got fake news of Cleopatra's death and his suicide after that. Knowing that, Antony is no more, Queen Cleopatra also died from her snake bite.
  • Character: Antony, Cleopatra, Gaius Octavian.
8. Titus Andronicus
  • Character: Titus (a renowned Roman general), Lavinia, Lucius, Quintus, Marcus, and Tamora.
9. Troilus and Cressida
  • Character: Troilus, Cassandra, Hector, Paris, Helen.
  • Famous quote :

1) "The common curse of mankind folly and ignorance".

10. Coriolanus
  • Character: Coriolanus, Virgilia, Menenius, Agrippa, Comenius, Titus Lartius.
11. Cymbeline
  • Character: Cymbeline, Imogene, Giderius.
12. Timon of Athens
  • Timon of Athens is William Shakespeare’s unfinished play.
  • Character: Timon, Alcibiades, Apemantus.
  • Quote: " Life is an uncertain voyage ".
William Shakespeare's Famous Works (Tragi-Comedy: 3)

Tragi-Comedy / Problem Play:

1. The Merchant of Venice
  • It is told that from being inspired by the play 'The Jew of Malta' written by Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare wrote 'The Merchant of Venice'.
  • Character: Shylock ( a jew usurer), Antonio, Portia, Bassanio, Jessica.
  • Famous quotes from The Merchant of Venice :

1) All that glitter is not gold.
2) Love is blind and lovers cannot see
3) It is a wise father who knows his child.
4) In short, I know not why I am so sad.

2. All's Well That Ends Well
  • Character: Parolles, Lafew, Lavatch.
  • Famous lines of All's Well That Ends Well:

1) Listen to many, speak to a few.
2) Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

3. Measure for Measure
  • Measure for Measure is called black comedy, dark comedy, and problem play. It is not a tragedy but also a fair comedy. This tragi-comedy ends with forced love but not true love.
  • Character: Vincentio, Angelo, Bernardine, Abhorson.
  • Famous lines of the play:

1) Some rise by sin and some by virtue fall.
2) The miserable have no other medicine but only hope.

William Shakespeare's Famous Works (Comedy-12)
1. As You Like It
  • Theme: Love at first sight.
  • Character: Orlando, Rosalind, Duke Senior, Celia, Touchstone.
  • Famous lines of 'As You Like It' :

1) " All the world's a stage, And all the men and women are merely players".
2) " Blow, blow the winter wind, Thou (you) are not so unkind, As man's ingratitude ".
3) " Sweet are the uses of adversity ".
4) " Under the green wood tree / Who loves to lie with me ".

2. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • It is a romantic comedy.
  • Character: Titania, Hermia, Oberon, Puck, Lysander, Helena.
  • Famous quote of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' :

1) " Love looks not with the eyes but with mind ".
2) " Take pains, Be perfect ".
3) " The course of true love never did run smooth ".

3. Much Ado About Nothing
  • Character: Benedick, Don John, Leonarto, Dogberry, Don Pedro.
4. The Comedy of Errors
  • Character: Solinus, Dromio, Antipholous.
5. Twelfth Night
  • Subtitle: Or, What You Will.
  • Character: Viola, Olivia, Maluolio, Duke Orsino.
  • Famous quote of Twelfth Night :

1) " Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them ".
2) " If music be the food of love, play on ".
3) " Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit ".
4) " Love is sought is good, but given unsought is better ".

6. The Taming of the Shrew

Character: Katherine.

7. The Tempest
  • Tempest means violent storm.
  • The Tempest is William Shakespeare’s last work, swan song.
  • The Tempest was first performed in front of 'King James (l)' at 'White Hall'.
  • Character: Caliban, Ariel, Ferdinand, Alanso, Miranda, Prospereo.
  • Famous quote :

1) " Hell is empty and all the devils are here ".

8. Two Gentleman of Verona
  • Character : Thurio, Launce, Eglamour, Valentine, Lucetta.
  • Famous line :

1) "Home-keeping youtg have ever homely wits ".

9. Love's Labours Lost
  • Character : Berowne, Longaville, Costard, Don Armado.
10. The Winter's Tale :
  • Character : Leontes, Perdita, Polixenes, Florizel, Mamillius.
11. Pericles, Prince of Tyre
  • Character: Helicanus, Cerimon, Dionyza, Lychorida, Thaliart.
12. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Character: Falstaff, Mistress Ford, Mistress Quickly, Anne Page, Fenton, Meg Page.

Introduce Myself or Yourself- Self Introduce in Interview Sample

This article educates you on how to introduce yourself or yourself in viva and interview sessions. It also shows self-introduction samples for job interviews.  It teaches how to introduce myself professionally in the viva exam or viva Presentation.

Introduce Myself

Introduce Myself means describing myself with a brief introduction to let others know. It is an imperative sentence that indicates someone to introduce himself or herself. Therefore, it is also known as introducing yourself. Usually, interviewers ask this question to applicants in viva voce or interview. It is also known as explaining myself.  Introduce myself means self-introduction properly. It describes a person elaborately in a short time. To answer the question " Introduce yourself", the person needs to introduce himself entirely in a brief discussion. They need to explain their name, family background, where they stay, family background, level of education, strengths, etc.

Introducing yourself properly is an essential factor when you face a Viva exam or an interview and ask yourself to introduce yourself. Examine will assess your education, skills, capability, and intellectuality based on your introduction speech; therefore, you should present yourself perfectly.

Self Introduce in Interview Sample
Figure 1: Introduce Myself or Self Introduce in Interview
Common Questions to Ask "Introduce Myself"

For example, Tell me about yourself, Tell us about yourself, Please introduce yourself, Tell me something about yourself, Tell us something about yourself, or Talk about yourself.

Interview Question Sample
  • What are your positive aspects or strengths?
  • What are your negative aspects or weaknesses?
  • Why should we appoint or hire you in our company?
  • What is your most significant personal or professional achievement?
  • Why do you want to join this job?
  • What is your leadership or management style?
  • What do you know about this department or organization?

The STAR answer format is the most famous and easiest way to explain applicants' strengths and professional achievements. STAR interview questions and answers method is the best way to share experiences that assist previous companies to achieve competitiveness.

Today the author shares 10  Introduce Myself or Introducing Yourself samples and examples for the interviewee. The introduction speeches have been shared thoroughly to obtain a better understanding.

How To Introduce Myself to Viva
Self Introduce in Interview- 1

Firstly, I would like to thank u, sir, for introducing me in front of you and calling me for the interview. I am Md. Ashraf Ahmed, the son of Jamil Ahmed & Aklima Begum, is here to face the viva. I am from.........I have completed my post-graduation and graduation from the University of Dhaka. My subject was Physics....... High School &......... Govt. College was my previous educational institution. Besides my academic background, I am very involved in a non-political social organization. I also have good intentions in creative writing. Now I am looking for a job. Thank You.

Introduce Myself Example- 2

I am (Name). I am from (District Name). My father's name is Md. X, a govt employee, and mother's name is Most. Y Begum, a govt employee. I obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Philosophy from (University Name) in 2009 and 2010. Before that, I passed SSC in 2003 from (School Name) under (Board Name) and Passed HSC in 2005 from (College Name) under the same board. However, my aim in life is to be a BCS Cadre. Therefore, I am performing Viva Voce now. That's all for the time being.
( You should say “my father's name”, not “my Father's name”.)

Introduce Myself Example- 3

Firstly, I would like to thank u, sir, for allowing me to describe myself in front of you. I'm Md. Maksudur Rashid son of Md. Harunur Rashid and Rehana Akter. I'm from Dhaka. Firstly I would like to describe my educational background. I have successfully passed my SSC and HSC from MGHS and BCIC colleges. Then I got admitted into JNU and completed my graduation and post-graduation. My father is a retired govt service holder, and my mother is a housewife. My hobby is playing and watching cricket. But, my aim in life is to be a magistrate. That's all.

Introduce Myself Example- 4

I am Md. Monowar Hossain and my birthplace are Bagmara Upazilla of Rajshahi district. I graduated from DU in the Public Administration Department with a CGPA of X. (I think) the strongest side of my character is that I can work hard relentlessly. The weakest side is that I believe people so easily. So, I want to work in a part of the republic related to people from all spheres.

Introduce Myself Example- 5

Thank u, sir; it's a great pleasure for me to introduce myself. Firstly, I am Tithi Rani Mondal from Naogaon & at present, I'm residing in Dhaka. I've completed my graduation & master's from the dept of Law, University of Dhaka, in my education journey. My parents are both govt service holders & I'm the only child of them. I like punctuality, sincerity & honesty. In my spare time, I like reading books & listening to music. My long-cherished dream is to join the Bangladesh Civil Service. That's all for me for the time being. Thank u very much for having patience.

Introduce Myself Example- 6

Firstly, I would like to thank u, sir, for allowing me to describe myself in front of you. I'm Maksudur Rahman. I hail from Patuakhali. I passed my SSC from Ideal School & College in 2003 & HSC in 2005 from Dhaka College. Then I got myself admitted into the University of Dhaka. I obtained my Honors and Masters from the dept of Physics in 2009 and 2010, respectively. My father is a retired bank officer, and my mother is a government service holder. However, I dream of being a bureaucrat, and I'm working hard and soul to make my dream true.

Introduce Myself Example- 7

Thank u, sir, for allowing me to say something about myself. This is Mahmuda Kulsum Moni, daughter of Mr......... and Mrs...I have completed my graduation and post-graduation in Finance and Banking from the University of Rajshahi and passed my SSC and HSE from...... n ..... respectively...My father was an auditor in CGI, and my mother is a homemaker...I have 2 brothers and one sister..all of them r students. My favorite hobbies are traveling, reading novels, and watching movies. But, I am committed to serving the country and want to contribute to building a corruption-free Bangladesh...that's all.

Introduce Myself Example- 8

This is Ayesha Akter, and I come from Comilla. My father's name is Almas mean, he is a businessman. My mother's name is Najma Begum; she is working as a homemaker. We r two brothers and two sisters. I am the eldest son of my parents, my younger brothers, and my sisters, all of them are studying. Actually, I completed my post-graduation and graduation from govt—commerce college at national university in 2010 and 2011.

Although my passing year is 2011, actually, the exam physically happened in 2014. before that, having CGPA of 4.30 and 4.00, I completed my HSC and SSC from Hajera Taju Degree College and Rahmaniya High School in business studies, respectively. I want to be a BCS cadre; my family members always inspire me, especially my father, to go my way, and that's why I present there.

Introduce Myself Example- 9

I am Md. Moshiur Rahman. I have passed my BSc in Agriculture from Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University. There are four members in my family. My father is a businessman, and my mother is a homemaker. I have only one elder sister. I was born in Gangni, Meherpur, and my parents are also from Meherpur District under the Khulna division. It is my first BCS with a long-cherished dream to be a BCS cadre.

Introduce Myself Example- 10

I am F. M. Ashraful Awal Rana, the son of Md. Kamal Uddin Fakir and Mrs. Nazma Akter are facing this Viva Voce now. I was born on 23rd August 1988 in a respected Muslim family where my father was the philosopher for me to build up my childhood mind, and my mother was the initial teacher. In the year 2004, I completed my SSC degree, and 2006 was my passing year of HSC. After that, I was so blessed to get admitted to the leading University of Bangladesh, BUET, to pursue my B.Sc. in Civil Engineering degree. Finally, I completed my engineering degree in February 2013.

From my childhood, I have seen in myself that I can do very well: management. From the family tradition, helping people is another characteristic that is a countable point to describe me. Combining these two characteristics and strong analytical capability as I am an Engineer, I am pretty sure 'Assistant Commissioner' of the People's Republic of Bangladesh will be the right place for me to evaluate my potential for the betterment of myself and the country.