Emotional Intelligence Characteristics and Improvement in the Workplace in 2024. Also, the Five Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) are Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills.
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Emotional intelligence refers to the capability to understand, manage, and utilize emotions to release stress and communicate effectively. Similarly, Emotional intelligence in the workplace means the ability to analyze and utilize feelings to cope with organizational crises. It is a crucial factor to evaluate other employees' emotions.
Mayer and Salovey invented the term Emotional Intelligence in 1990. It is also known as the emotional quotient or EQ. Emotional intelligence assists people in overcoming difficulties related to emotion and defusing social conflict. Additionally, it allows the public to build a stronger relationship with others that brings success. It influences people to achieve goals in the workplace.
Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence
The Five Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the Workplace are as follows:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Regulation
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Social Skills

1. Self-Awareness
Emotional intelligence instils self-awareness among people. People can perceive their emotions that have higher emotional intelligence. These people do not let their emotions drive them or get out of control because of emotional intelligence. They are also determined to possess a natural appearance at themselves. Many researchers believe that self-awareness is one of the most significant characteristics of emotional intelligence because it lets them know about weaknesses and strengths and overcome them.
2. Self-Regulation
Self-reflection is the capacity to control feelings and pressures. People who possess self-regulation characteristics usually never get angry and jealous of others. Typically, they think before acting and don't make careless decisions. Self-regulation characteristics represent thoughtfulness behaviour, and they can say no and willing to change themselves if situations demand it.
3. Motivation
People with higher emotional intelligence are very aware of the phenomenon that motivates them. They are highly productive, active, willing to accept challenges. These people also get the positive impact of any phenomenon. They are not stubborn to adhere to arrogance and angriness. So, they motivate others as well as being motivated by others.
4. Empathy
In addition to self-awareness, this is another crucial characteristic of emotional intelligence because it makes a person open and honest. Empathy is an excellent competency to feel others' emotions, needs, wants, and viewpoints. People with empathy characteristic are very good at understanding the feeling of others. Hence, the empathetic person is great at maintaining rapport. They bypass stereotyping and prejudice and withhold judgment too quickly.
5. Social Skills
People become very famous in their society because of having social skill competency. Therefore, it has been accepted as another essential characteristic of emotional intelligence. These people act as team members, focusing more on achieving an interdependent goal than an independent goal. They are very willing to help others, have practical communication skills with managing conflicts, and are excellent at building and maintaining relationships.
Emotional Intelligence Improvement
How to Improve Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Employees can improve their Emotional intelligence in the workplace by following the eight recommendations proposed by the researchers.
1. Observation of Others Action in Workplace
Never get rushed to give your opinion before knowing all the facts. It would help if you took the time to scrutinize the facts, make your decision, and finally deliver your statement. Be honest about how you think about others as well as interact with them. Show your empathy, not sympathy.
2. Observation of the Work Environment
It is essential to focus on others around you instead of focusing only on you at your workplace. Looking at the working environment is good quality before talking about them. You have to have humility, competency and give priority to others to show their skills. Do not try to get attention for you, yet let them shine in working place.
3. Learn to Self-Assessment
A proverb says that it is easy to evaluate others' faults but challenging to find their fault. Take more time to assess yourself to find out the weakness you have and make to overcome them. Always encourage yourself to lead an honest life.
4. Learn to Overcome Stressful Situation
You have to acquire the ability to stay calm when you confront a difficult situation. Never take any decision during an angry mood and try to control your feeling when the case goes wrong. So, you have to learn to overcome stressful situations to acquire emotional intelligence.
5. Try to Be an Active Listener
Emotional intelligent people listen actively before speaking. They never talk about the issues that are not clear to them, so emotionally intelligent people make that they have understood everything before responding. The active listener always respects the speakers and tries to learn something from them. It does not matter how good speakers they are.
6. Taking Responsibility
It is one of the best qualities to take responsibility even though you have made something mistake instead of blaming others. You should apologize to them if you hurt someone or make any mistake to anyone. People will be more interested in forgiving you if you ask forgiveness.
7. Possessing Leadership Skills
Emotionally intelligent people must have good leadership skills, and they like to follow a democratic leadership style. They maintain a high standard lifestyle as if others can follow them. These people have an excellent ability to solve critical problems and make appropriate decisions when necessary. They also have a creative and heuristic mentality that triggers them to make the impossible possible.
8. Communication Skills
The essential skill is an effective communication strategy that every emotionally intelligent person has to maintain a good relationship with others around them. It is also an essential skill for personal and corporate life. Practical communication skill is the key to success in a corporate career. Emotional intelligent people hold this skill perfectly. In the digital era, the communication process has become easier because of the social media revolution. Nobody can deny the blessing of social media from the perspective of personal and corporate branding.
Importance of Emotional Intelligence Characteristic
Many areas in your life benefit from higher emotional intelligence, such as your mental health, job, relationships, etc. Emotion intelligence (EQ) emerges as a significant factor for both individuals and companies.
Firstly, Emotional intelligence can direct a person on the way to leading a happy and fulfilled life. The emotional intelligence framework is a set of skills that will contribute to assessing the emotions of others and their own. It will deal with stress to lead a happy and enjoyable life. A prominent scholar Gary Yukl argues that self-awareness eases people to understand one's demands and evaluate alternative solutions. Emotional intelligence has to be started from yourself, and you cannot instill it in others' improvement without understanding how you regulate the emotional level. It has become a buzzword in the perspective of leadership in the workplace. It helps recognize one not only emotions but also control them. Emotional intelligence also makes people responsive towards others’ emotions around them.
The researchers proposed that employees can work better who have higher emotional intelligence. They are very good at working in a team cohesively and capable of dealing with challenges more effectively. Emotional intelligence is capable of making you more effective in the workplace as well as yielding sound output. So, the company can utilize the employees' effectiveness who have higher emotional intelligence (EQ).
Soft Skills Related to Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Soft skills always help to improve emotional intelligence in the workplace. They are crucial elements in emotional intelligence skills. Soft skills refer to those skills or abilities that are not tangible but unquantifiable. These skills are one's skills, also known as their speciality.
There are five soft skills that improve emotional intelligence in the workplace; for example, communication, flexibility, teamwork, empathy, and consistency.
1. Communication
A good communicator certainly delivers his or her speech effectively. People will not believe your statement without clear speech. Employees need to become good communicators so that everyone believes their words.
2. Flexibility
The employees need to be flexible in terms of different environments or situations. They have to be calm to understand the situation before taking action. Angriness is very harmful if you get it when you need to make a decision.
3. Teamwork
Teamwork is an essential soft skill that makes a leader to be associate with other employees or partners. So, they need this skill to build up unity to gain the objectives.
4. Empathy
Employees must have empathy skill that helps to understand the emotions of others. It is one of the essential skills that will make me able to feel others' feelings and conditions.
5. Consistent
A leader should never stop if they decide to start. It isn't easy to gain success without consistency. Therefore, employees should have this skill for being exemplary leaders in the future.
Mayer and Salovey coined the term emotional intelligence, which has become very popular for personal and corporate life. Emotional intelligence helps humans to have many good competencies such as social, intellectual, creative, organized, good communicator, self-regulated, self-aware, and so on. Nobody can deny the importance of emotional intelligence to drive oneself as well as regulate others tactically.
Citation For This Article(APA-7th )
Kobiruzzaman, M. M. (2024). Emotional Intelligence Characteristics Improvement in the Workplace in 2024. Newsmoor- Best Online Learning Platform. https://newsmoor.com/emotional-intelligence-eq-importance-characteristics-how-to-improve/ |