STAR Interview Questions and Answers Examples

Examples of STAR Interview Questions and Answers. STAR Interview Questions and Answers PDF.

STAR Interview Questions and Answers

The STAR interview questions and answers refer to the organized statement relevant to the interviewee's Situation, Task, Action, and Result of the previous job condition. It is a structural method of answering questions. It is familiar as the STAR technique of interview questions. Although, a few interviewers ask to introduce themselves in the job interview session. However, self-introduction for the viva exam is a common phenomenon. The applicant needs to follow the STAR method of answering questions after self-introduction. 

The STAR interview question and answer assist the interviewee in explaining their previous job experience. It also helps interviewers to ask questions. It also helps the interviewer to assess the interviewee's skills and experience based on the four specific situations. These answers are very important to self-introduction for the job interview to prove the applicant's potential. The STAR interview questions and answers assist applicants in explaining their strengths precisely, and it is crucial to inform the interviewer about skills and experience relevant to the position. Hence, the STAR interview method helps both the interviewee and interviewer reciprocally.

Star Interview Method (Questions & Answers)

Star Interview Method Meaning

Star method interview means explaining previous experience based on the four key factors: situation, task, action, and results.

  1. Situation
  2. Task
  3. Action
  4. Results
1. Situation (Job Context)

The situation in the STAR interview method indicates the applicant's job context. It refers to the job arena and scenario they encountered while working there. It highlights the problems, crises, and issues which the applicants overcame. The organization designs the situation and tasks for employees.

(The applicant can follow the answer example to describe what was the situation they have encountered previously).

STAR Interview Questions and Answers Examples-1

For example, the organization's sell-growth decreased rapidly for the natural crisis. The sell-growth declined due to conflicting personalities within the marketing department. The CEO appointed me to handle the crisis. I worked very hard to recover business growth within two months.

STAR Interview Questions and Answers Examples-2

I work as a website content writer for the Global Assistant Education Consultant. Google penalizes the website for duplicate content, and it lost massive organic traffic, triggering declining revenue. The managing director assigned me to recover the visitors.

2. Task (What Activities)

Task refers to the employee's activities and assignments in a specific situation in the STAR interview method. Senior employees set the assignments. It does not point to where they work; instead, it means what you work on regularly. In the interview session, the interviewee needs to discuss previous tasks that they used to accomplish. You have to mention the specific tasks that you have done before. The applicant should provide enough information regarding previous job duties so that the interviewer can understand his capabilities. The task signifies specific job responsibilities, including IT specialist, Group leader, crisis management tasks, content writer, social media marketing, graphic designer, etc.

The applicant can follow the Star interview answer example to describe what activities they have completed before.

STAR Interview Questions and Answers Examples-1

For example, my senior manager instructed me to recover the website traffic. I paraphrased most duplicate content and published them again.

STAR Interview Answers Example-2

Social media marketing managers explain how they promote products and company brands on social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and WhatsApp.

STAR Interview Answers Example-3

A digital marketing manager should say that I used to regulate the Facebook page and WhatsApp group to communicate with potential and existing customers. Thus, the task in the STAR interview technique indicates daily assignments in the workplace.

3. Action (What Steps)

Action in the STAR interview method represents employees' steps to achieve the goal. It specifies the individual contribution toward achieving the business goal. In this section, applicants should emphasize how many tasks they have done while working in a previous or current company to overcome the crisis. Action is the most crucial part of the STAR interview approach to explaining the applicant's strengths.

The employees take action for positive outcomes, not management. Therefore, the applicants must emphasize these sections to represent them appropriately.

However, the interviewee should not mention what their team or group did to accomplish the project. You should use "I," not "we," when describing actions.

The applicant can follow this question-answer example to describe what actions they took to overcome the critical situation.

STAR Interview Questions and Answers Examples-1

For example, a digital marketing manager should articulate that I design product banners and share them daily on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and WhatsApp. Additionally, I communicate with our existing and potential clients to inform them about the new laptops.

4. Results (Achievements)

The result of the STAR interview method describes the outcome of the actions taken to achieve the goal. It is the most critical section, followed by the actions. You have to present personal credits that enhance to accomplish business goals. The answers should contain multiple positive effects. You can point out a list of positive results. The interviewee must emphasize explaining the results because it also represents their capabilities. Therefore, the action and results of the STAR interview technique are critical parts for the applicants.

For example, a marketing manager should enunciate that I have managed to sell 200 laptops in a month. Additionally, my actions have increased the number of social media page followers and website visitors. Ultimately, it contributes to corporate reputation and image.

STAR Interview Questions and Answers Examples

The author shows the STAR interview question and answers examples for applicants. These examples of interview questions and answers examples help fresher students and employees to face interview sessions.

STAR Interview Questions Examples

Based on the STAR interview, the author created the following questions for the interviewer who can ask the applicants. The interviewers can ask these questions before, during, or after the introduce-yourself speech.

  • Describe a situation where you persuaded other employees to accept organizational change for a better outcome.
  • Explain how did you complete tasks when you were under immersive pressure.
  • Describe a time when you were exhausted at work and recover it properly.
  • Give me the list of the assigned tasks you regularly did to achieve the company goal.
  • Please give me an example of when you contributed to crisis management in the organization.
  • Give us a specific example where you set an independent goal to achieve the company vision and finally reached it.
  • Tell a situation when you confronted a company's rules and regulations but denied them to complete the tasks.
  • Describe a time when you failed to complete the tasks. What lesson did you learn from it?
Examples of STAR Interview Questions and Answers

Situation (S): In January 2023, our company's sell revenue decreased for the lack of digital marketing. I enhanced social media marketing and customer service to improve revenue.

Task (T): My senior assigned me to improve social media marketing. My goal was to create a new marketing plan that increased the revenue.

Action (A):  I designed promotional content with product banners and shared them on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Additionally, I motivated my digital marketing team to communicate with potential and existing customers regularly.

Result (R):  Finally, I improved by around $5 million in sell growth in February 2023. I also contributed to increasing followers for our social media pages. Now, we receive more orders from social media for the new marketing strategy.

STAR Interview Questions and Answers PDF

The author connects the Star interview questions and answers pdf for employees and managers. It helps applicants to prepare themselves for the interview sessions. You need to click on the following link to download the pdf format of Star interview questions and answers.

Questions and Answers PDF


Describe a situation when you handled massive stress in a workplace.


In my previous workplace, our senior officer left the job just one week before delivering a project to clients. The senior manager handled the project and was the chief of this project. The managing director instructed me to complete the project within the period. The tight deadline put massive pressure on me to handle the project. However, I called upon an international meeting with coworkers and divided the task again. I had to accept additional tasks from the senior officer who left the job. I put extra time into coping with the situation and finally achieved it. This crisis moment allowed me to explore that I can work under stressful situations. My dedication, commitment, plan, and hard work function perfectly.

STAR Interview Questions and Answers Preparation
  • The interviewee should remember situations that show good actions, especially skills, work experience, supervision, cooperation, planning, and customer satisfaction.
  • They should briefly explain the situation to answer the questions.
  • The interviewees must outline a story with a beginning, middle, and end. They must be ready to explain the situation following the task, action, and result.
  • They have to present results that reflect the applicant's credibility positively.
  • Everyone must be honest while describing the story, even if the result is unfavorable. Do not make a fake story to enhance credibility.

Self-introduction Sample For Job Interview Examples

Self Introduction Sample for Job Interview Pdf. This article explains the Self-Introduction Sample for Job Interview Fresher and Experience. It also represents the Interview Introduction Example.

Self-Introduction For Interview

Self-Introduction for an interview means describing yourself in the viva and job interview session when the interviewer asks you to introduce yourself. It is crucial to attract the interview board member with an attractive introduction. A proverb says, "Smile is the best way to introduce yourself." So, the applicants should smile while introducing themselves. Usually, they will ask you, "Tell me about yourself" or "Tell us about yourself." Self-introduction is a crucial part of attracting interviewers followed by attaching a well-designed resume, wearing formal dress, and presenting the interview location on time. The applicants introduce themselves verbally in the interview session and in written documents by writing a good email cover letter.

Self-Introduction For Job Interview

Self-introduction for a job interview means introducing yourself precisely to inform the hiring authority. The applicant greets and explains their full name, location, educational background, goal, hobby, passion or interest, strengths, experience, etcetera. Apart from that, the interviewee greets the interviewers with thanks before starting the introduction speech. It will be best if the applicant takes a deep breath before beginning a self-introduction speech.

Self-introduction for a job interview differs from self-introduction for the viva and presentation. Sometimes, the lecturer asks students to write a self-introduction essay paragraph. Therefore, applicants apply different types of self-introduction formats to introduce themselves in diverse contexts.

The most common five contexts of self-introduction speech are job interviews, presentations, paragraph-writing, social networking, and college and university classes.

For example, applicants add their previous job experience in the self-introduction for job interviews. On the other hand, students mention only their previous educational experiences in the viva presentation.

self-introduction sample for job interview example
Self Introduction Sample For Job Interview Example

Self Introduction Sample For Job Interview

(The Applicant Should Maintain the Following Verbal & Nonverbal Communication)

Smile: The applicant should smile before starting the conversation but should not laugh.

Greetings: Hello, Good Morning, Good Afternoon,  Good Evening, and Good Day.

Applicant Name: This is, or My name is (name). (Please mention your nickname or alternative name if you have one. For example, most Chinese people have Chinese and English names).

Residence: I have been living in Kuala Lumpur and grew up with my nuclear family. You may explain your family background if relevant to your discussion and position. (Applicants should mention their nationality if they are not local people. For example, I am from Sweden, but now I live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).

Educational Background: I am studying or have completed my graduation or Master's degree at the University of Putra Malaysia. The applicant should mention their major while explaining their educational Background. For example, I have completed a Bachelor of Communication degree in Journalism at UPM.

Goal: My utmost goal is to become an effective employee in a reputed organization. For example, I want to work as a creative content writer, marketing executive, or graphic designer. However, students might mention internship positions if they are looking for internship positions. For example, I am seeking a full-time content writing job to practically actualize my theoretical knowledge. (The goal should be relevant to your Educational degree and strengths).

Hobby, Passion, or Interest: I am a freelance writer, and I like to generate creative content and share it on social media platforms when I have leisure. I want to work as a content writer at any renowned company/industry like yours.

Strengths: I have many skills to contribute to this position, including academic and creative content writing skills. I have published some feature content in newspapers and some publications in journals.

Applicants must include relevant strengths; for example, the interviewee should explain Information Technology (IT)-related skills when interviewing to join as an IT expert.

In contrast, the interviewees must demonstrate their communication and management-related skills while interviewing to join as marketing and human resource managers.


Experiences are essential tools to attract interviewers to be appointed for the position. So, the applicants must include work experience. Previously, I worked at an employer name. The author advises applicants to follow the  STAR interview questions and answer examples to explain their previous experiences. STAR is the acronym for situation, task, action, and results. S for the situation, T for the task, A for actions, and R for the results of your actions. For example, I have worked at Netflix organization as a digital marketing executive since 2018, and I used to write creative content to promote products on social media. I managed to increase revenue by publishing promotional content on Facebook and Instagram.

Similar to strengths, applicants need to explain the relevant experience to the position they intend to join. There is a possibility of being disqualified if the applicants mention irrelevant experience.

Finally, the applicants should thank the interviewer for allowing them to introduce themselves. The applicants need to follow social etiquette in job interviews thoroughly.

Self Introduction Sample For Job Interview Example

The authors have studied and presented a few self-introduction samples for a job interview for experienced candidates, students, and fresher job seekers. These self-introduction samples have been generated to introduce people from different countries globally. It will surely assist the fresher and more experienced applicants in introducing themselves. Moreover, we demonstrate a self-introduction example collected from ChatGPT.

Self-introduction Editable Example in Word

"Good day/morning/afternoon/evening. This is [Your Name], and I am delighted to be here today for getting the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position. I have recently completed my graduation/postgraduation from [University/College Name] with a degree in [Your Degree]. I am thrilled to actualize my theoretical and practical skills and knowledge in a professional environment.

During my time at university, I actively participated in [relevant extracurricular activities or projects] which allowed me to develop valuable skills in [mention relevant skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, etc.]. Additionally, I completed internships at [mention any relevant internships or work experiences] where I gained hands-on experience in [mention specific tasks or responsibilities relevant to the job you're applying for].

I'm particularly passionate about [mention a specific area or aspect of the job or industry you're interested in], and I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and grow both personally and professionally. I'm a quick learner, adaptable, and eager to take on new challenges.

Outside of work and academics, I enjoy [mention any hobbies, interests, or personal achievements that showcase your well-roundedness and personality].

I'm looking forward to discussing how my skills and experiences align with the needs of [Company Name] and how I can contribute to the team's success. Thank you for considering my application, and I'm excited about the possibility of joining your team."

Please do not forget to edit and customize your self-introduction depending on your academic background and the job you want to apply for. You should practice several times before joining the interview session with confidence. Remember the key points you want to highlight during the interview session to show potential. Best Wishes and Good luck!

The Ten Self Introduction Samples For Job Interviews are as follows:
Self Introduction Sample For Job Interview-1

Smile and be confident while introducing yourself

Good morning and Thank you for allowing me to participate in the job interview. My name is Kirill Karbout, and I grew up in a nuclear family at Kalamazoo near the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, United States.

I have completed my bachelor's degree in computer science, majoring in software design at Western Michigan University. I aim to work as a full-time software designer at any renowned company. However, my hobby of participating in social welfare campaigns has been evident in my engagement in the Western Michigan University welfare academy.

My theoretical and practical experiences taught me to design software and applications creatively. Consistently, I look for sophistication in my work. I have achieved distinguished marks for my final year project that I presented to my supervisor. Additionally, I obtained many certificates of appreciation for designing innovative software for commercial sectors.

Previously, I worked at (Company name) as a software engineer, and I used to develop their existing software for selling products. I added some new features to attract customers, and it was fruitful. I gained the best employee awards for outstanding achievement. Now I am seeking a position to show expertise and actualize my experiences. Finally, thank you again, Sir, for letting me introduce myself.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview-2

Good morning and Thank you, Sir, for allowing me to join this job interview. This is Alexandra Hill, and I am from a nuclear family in Toronto, Canada. I have completed my Bachelor of Information and Master of Information at the University of Toronto. Since childhood, I have been extremely excited to become an information technology consultant. Recently, I have worked on multiple projects relevant to information and communication technology. So, I have both academic and practical knowledge in this discipline. New technology changed our lifestyle, especially communication systems. Therefore, I have obtained knowledge of a social media-based communication system that controls corporate reputation. If you ask me to describe myself in three words; so, I would be a creative, hard worker, and tech-savvy person.

I believe my communication skills in social media and new technology will benefit your company in developing a communication system. Per your job details, you are seeking a public relations officer who can effectively regulate communication. Eventually, thank you again, Sir, for letting me introduce myself.

Self-introduction Example for Job Interview-3

Firstly, I would like to thank you, Sir, for allowing me to participate in the job interview and describe myself in front of you. I am Julia Barretto, but you can address me as Julia. My father died in my childhood; I am the only child of my parent. Therefore, I grew up in Manila, the Philippines, with my single mother. I have completed my secondary edition at Manila High School with outstanding results.

In addition, I have completed a bachelor's degree in corporate communication at the University of the Philippines Manila. Recently, I obtained a postgraduate degree at UP Manila.

Since my childhood, I have worked in a group and managed the group successfully. My hobby is communicating with people diplomatically. My strength is I am capable of making quick decisions. I can speak Tagalog, English, and Chinese. If you ask me to describe myself in three words, I would like to be an effective communicator, ICT manager, and suitable presenter. Although I do not have long-term working experience, I have worked in All Youth Channels, Inc. (AYC) to complete my industrial training. Now, I am trying to join an organization to utilize my potential. Finally, thank you again, Sir, for listening to the self-introduction words.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview-4

Firstly, I would like to thank you, Sir, for allowing me to attend this job interview. My name is Shakira Natasha, and  I am 22 years old. I grew up with my fabulous family members in Selangor, Malaysia. Recently, I completed my Bachelor of Arts in International Relations at the University of Malaya. I managed to secure my position on the dean's list of students for three consecutive semesters. If I had to describe myself in three words; so, I would be creative, a fast learner, and versatile.

My passion is to involve myself in public relations. Already, I have been engaged in many volunteer programs, including sports programs, communication and multimedia events, and many more. Even though I am in my early twenties, I have few working experiences that helped me explore my passion. In 2018, I worked at an international organization as an internship trainee for three months. I have also worked as a part-time event coordinator and social media admin for a few local and international events.

Through my practical experiences, I am prepared mentally and physically to work for any organization as a public relations manager. I feel comfortable doing group tasks. Previously, I completed a few group tasks effectively as a group leader. Hopefully, I can show my expertise when getting professional duties. Finally, again, Sir, thank you for listening self-introduction with patience and giving me your valuable time.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview-5

Firstly, I would like to thank you, Sir, for permitting me to join the crucial job interview session and describe myself in front of you. My name is Daniel Wu. I grew up with my nuclear family at Pok Fu Lam in Hong Kong. In my family, we are two siblings and our parents. My father is a businessman, and my mother is a govt service holder. I have completed my secondary education at Caritas Wu Cheng-Chung Secondary School with satisfactory results.

I graduated in Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, and I'm still a post-graduation student with a Master of Science in Engineering (Building Services Engineering). From the first year of my graduation, I have dreamed of presenting myself as a Civil engineer. For that reason, I am here now.

My strengths are a positive attitude, quick and self-learner, friendliness, and confidence. On the other hand, my weakness is that I feel uncomfortable until finishing the work assigned to me. I am a fresher, and I expect I can enhance my skills through foundation training and prove it in the service. Thank you for listening self-introduction with patience and for giving me your valuable time.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview-6

Hello Sir, good morning. This is M M Kobiruzzaman and I am from Bangladesh. I am 26 years old and live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I recently completed a Bachelor of Communication under the Modern Language and Communication faculty at the University Putra Malaysia, also known as UPM. UPM is one of Malaysia's leading public universities. I have completed my secondary and higher school certificate in Bangladesh with excellent results. My hobby is reading books and visiting new places. I am a hard worker, creative, and ambitious person. And I can speak Bengali, English, Hindi, moderately Malay, and Chinese.

I have enough computer literacy skills, such as operating systems, Microsoft Office, social media, and SPSS. As for my curriculum activity, I was the mass media and communication director of the Bangladesh Student Association at U.P.M. Previously; I worked as the editorial assistant of the Pacific Asian Communication Association. I used to check the citations and proofread the papers. I am looking for a job working as a content writer. That is all from me. Finally, thank you for letting me join this job interview and listening to my self-introduction speech.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview-7

Hello Sir, my name is Rupendra, and I am hailed from Chandigarh. I belong to a joint family in Chandigarh, where my parents, grandparents, and siblings live together. I recently completed my bachelor of business administration at Chandigarh University, a leading private university in India. My vision is to become a Business Development Executive. However, My hobby is visiting new places to learn more by improving my social and communication skills.

Earlier, I completed my internship at (Company name) as a Business Development Executive, and I used to work to expand the business based on existing resources. I managed to increase sales revenue using social media platforms and applied my academic knowledge of social media campaigns in promoting products. Finally, it yielded outstanding revenue for the company. Now I seek a position to show expertise and actualize my previous experiences. Finally, I would like to thank you again for listening to my self-introduction speech.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview-8

Firstly, thank you, Sir, for inviting me to the job interview. I am Fiona, hailed from Changping District, Beijing, China, and my father is a lecturer in Biology at the Beijing University of Agriculture.

I grew up in Changping with my family, and I am the only daughter of my parents. My mother's name is a Radiologist specialist working at Boren Hospital. I have recently completed my graduation and post-graduation from the Beijing University of Agriculture in the Department of Botany.

Hence, I aim to become a biology lecturer at your institute (University/ College). I have five years of experience in the teaching profession, and now I am looking for a teaching job. That's all about myself, Sir, and thank you again for listening to my self-introduction speech.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview-9

Firstly, I would like to thank you, Sir, for joining this Job interview session. This is Sharmin Akter, and my nickname is Ela. I hailed from Pabna, the north Bengal district in the Rajshahi division. I have completed my graduation and post-graduation from the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. Before that, I passed SSC in 2014 from (School Name) under (Board Name) and Passed HSC in 2016 from (College Name) under the same board. My hobby is reading books and listening to songs.

However, I want to work in the emergency and disaster management team. I'm working hard and soul to make my dream come true. I have participated in some campaigns relevant to crisis management during natural disasters in Bangladesh. According to the team leader, my performance was outstanding, especially in communication. Again thank you, Sir, and thank you again for listening to my self-introduction speech. That's all from me.

Self-introduction Sample for Job Interview For Medical Doctor-10

Firstly, I would like to thank you, Sir, for allowing me to join the job interview and describe myself in front of you. This is Yohani Diloka De Silva, hailing from Colombo, the largest city in Sri Lanka. I grew up in a wonderful family with my parents and only sister. My father is a retired army officer, and my mother is a flight attendant.

I have completed my secondary edition at Visakha Vidyalaya. Since my childhood, I cherish to do something to help people. Therefore, I got admitted to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) at Management & Science University in Malaysia. Finally, I have managed to complete my MBBS with excellent results. I want to attend a private medical college as a medical assistant. Therefore, I am here sitting in front of you. Thank you again, Sir, for listening to my self-introduction speech.

Do's and Don'ts During Self-Introduction

Do's in Self-Introduction For Job Interview

Firstly, applicants should smile when introducing themselves but not laugh. Additionally, they should mention the nickname or alternative name if they have one. Furthermore, applicants may submit their parents and family members if they are relevant to the position. For example, the applicant was interviewed for teaching, and their father was a teacher. In this regard, they might mention his father's name and designation. However, the hobby, passion, and strength should be relevant to the position they are interviewed for.

Moreover, applicants should communicate with both verbal and nonverbal cues. For example, they must maintain body language, gestures, posture, eye contact, and facial expression. Finally, you have to be honest and authentic when disseminating information.

Don'ts in Self-Introduction For Job Interview

Firstly, applicants should not discuss unnecessary issues like siblings' relatives and political and religious interests. Additionally, they should avoid jargon and exaggerate their strengths and experiences. Furthermore, applicants should not mention that "I want this job or position." Moreover, they should not talk negatively about their previous job and employers. Finally, interviewees must not describe CV information word by word.