UTAUT Model Determinants, Questionnaire and Explanation

This article explains The UTAUT Model or Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and its Variables, Questionnaires, Examples, Strengths, and Limitations. It also demonstrates the UTAUT Model Venkatesh Questionnaire. 


UTAUT model refers to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model developed by Venkatesh, Davis, Morris, and Fred D. Davis in 2003. UTAUT is the short form Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) is one of the most updated and accepted technology adoption models. This study was conducted in longitudinal qualitative research that found around 70 percent of Behavioural Intention to Use (BI) and about 50% in actual use.

Viswanath Venkatesh and other authors proposed this theory based on the review of eight models that examine factors affecting the usage behavior of information systems. It is an extended theory of the eight-technology adoption models.  The authors mentioned the eight theories in the paper's abstract section. The eight models are as follows:

  1. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
  2. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
  3. Motivational Model (MM)
  4. Theory of Planned Behavior
  5. Combined Theory of Planned Behavior/Technology Acceptance Model
  6. Model of Personal Computer Use
  7. Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DIT)
  8. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

The authors collected and used data from four organizations over six months to observe and record changes in variables. The data were analyzed through three points of measurement. Based on the literature study on user acceptance, the UTAUT model is broadly popular in identifying factors that influence users to adopt new technology and information systems. Venkatesh et al. (2003) mentioned the four constructs that directly and indirectly determine the user's system use motivation. The three constructs (1. Performance Expectancy, 2. Effort Expectancy, and 3. Social Influence) determine the intention to use the technology through behavioral intention. The fourth characteristic (Facilitating Conditions) directly determines the intention to use the technology. The UTAUT model also presents four moderator variables (Age, Gender, Experience, and Voluntariness of Use).

UTAUT Model Basic Info

Authors: Viswanath Venkatesh, Michael G. Morris, Gordon B. Davis, and Fred D. Davis
Title: "User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view"
Publishers: Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota
DOI URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/30036540
Research Strategy: Survey
Methodological Choice: Mono-method Qualitative
Time Horizon: Longitudinal

The Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota published the UTAUT model in 2003 under the title of USER ACCEPTANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: TOWARD A UNIFIED VIEW.

Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology  (UTAUT) Model

Previous research validates the unified technology acceptance and use of technology theory as a comprehensive theoretical model to predict the adoption intention of new technology and systems in different contexts. Consequently, the UTAUT model certainly provides an in-depth understanding of factors that predict individuals to accept and use new systems or tools. The UTAUT model describes why and how users adopt new systems and technology. This theory proves that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and social influence influence people to use new systems in social and organizational contexts.

Many researchers extended this theory to understand factors influencing to acceptance of new systems in different contexts. For example, In 2012, Venkatesh, L. Thong, and XinXu extended the UTAUT) model to study the acceptance and use of technology in a consumer.

UTAUT Model Framework
Determinants of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model

The UTAUT model comprises four independent or predictor variables (1. Performance Expectancy, 2. Effort Expectancy, 3. Social Influences, 4. Facilitating Conditions), four moderators (1. Age, 2. Gender, 3. Experience, 4. Voluntariness of Use), and dependent variable (Behavioral Intention).

The six core variables of the UTAUT model are:

  1. Performance Expectancy
  2. Effort Expectancy
  3. Social Influences
  4. Facilitating Conditions
  5. Behavioral Intention
  6. Use Behavioral
Performance Expectancy (PE)

Performance expectancy is a predictor variable that considers how the new system will assist users in improving performance to complete the task (Venkatesh et al. 2003). It validates why the new system is advantageous for individual performance and improves efficacy. It also simulates the decision-making process of why they use the system. In a social context, people accept new technology when got benefit from it. Performance expectancy describes the importance of new systems and technology, influencing a person to use the latest technology. Based on the UTAUT model, the researcher can hypothesize that when people consider new systems and technology as helpful tools, they will utilize them in personal, social, and professional contexts. In sum, Performance expectancy will influence users to accept and use the new system to complete a particular task positively.

 Effort Expectancy (EE)

Effort expectancy is another crucial independent variable that considers how much the new technology will be easy and effortless to complete the tasks (Venkatesh et al. 2003). Researchers employ this construct to examine the level of ease of use. It represents the extent to which users determine how simple modern technology is to learn and operate. Effort expectancy demonstrates the easiness and effortlessness of using the new technology. People will adopt new technology if those tools are easy to use, affecting their decision to adopt a particular technology.

However, the users might not adopt the new system if it is challenging to operate and takes much time compared to the previous technique. Effort expectancy is a crucial factor in making adoption decisions at the beginning stage. According to the UTAUT model, people prefer to use new systems and tools that are easy to operate and system are clear and understandable. Based on the above discussion, the researcher can hypothesize that if people perceive that the new system is a trouble-free and effortless tool, they will adopt it in personal, social, and professional environments. Hence, Effort expectancy will influence new users to accept and use them positively.

 Social Influence (SI)

Social influence is the degree to which users prioritize other beliefs that why they should utilize the new system (Venkatesh et al. 2003). It directly affects others' behavioral intentions to adopt the technology. People change technology usage behaviors when considering that others benefit from the new technology (Peng & Miller, 2021; Mortenson & Vidgen, 2016). Social influence can come from friends, colleagues, family members, relatives, and managers. It happens at the initial stage when people are intended to meet their own and others' expectations. For example, people adopt the WeChat tool for social media news use because they get recommended and suggested by peers. Based on the UTAUT model, researchers can hypothesize that people embrace new systems to complete particular tasks if they observe others utilize these systems for the same purposes.  Therefore, Social influence will influence users to accept and use new tools positively.

Facilitating Conditions

According to the UTAUT model, facilitating condition is a degree to which an individual considers that the organization has infrastructural, resource, and technical support use of the new system. It ensures the organization's capability to adopt the new tools to complete tasks. For example, IT companies can easily adopt artificial technology because they have skilled human resources and technology to use them properly. In this scenario, skilled employees, and modern technology facilitate the condition to use the new system.

Based on the UTAUT model, researchers can hypothesize that people utilize new systems to complete complex tasks if they observe that they have technical and infrastructural resources to operate them. Therefore, the Facilitating Condition will influence users to accept and use new tools positively.

UTAUT Model Venkatesh Questionnaire

Venkatesh and other authors used the following item to estimate the UTAUT model also known as the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model. However, the authors dropped the three determinants including self-efficacy, anxiety, and attitude from the model.  Finally, they kept four determinants that play predicting role. The researchers have adopted these research questionnaires to conduct diverse research in different contexts.

For example, Abdullah M. Baabdullah adopted UTAUT model questionnaires to validate his research questionnaire estimating "The precursors of AI adoption in business."

UTAUT Model ITEM To Estimate Hypotheses
UTAUT Model Questionnaire

Item Used To Estimate UTAUT Model Hypotheses

Performance Expectancy
U6: I would find the system useful in my job. 
RA1: Using the system enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly. 
RA5: Using the system increases my productivity. 
OE7: If I use the system, I will increase my chances of getting a raise.
Effort Expectancy
EOU3: My interaction with the system would be clear and understandable. 
EOU5: It would be easy for me to become skillful at using the system. 
EOU6: I would find the system easy to use. 
EU4: Learning to operate the system is easy for me.
Attitude Toward Using Technology
A1: Using the system is a bad/good idea. 
AF1: The system makes work more interesting. 
AF2: Working with the system is fun. 
Affect1: I like working with the system.
Social Influence
SN1: People who influence my behavior think that I should use the system. 
SN2: People who are important to me think that I should use the system. 
SF2: The senior management of this business has been helpful in the use of the system. 
SF4: In general, the organization has supported the use of the system.
Facilitating Conditions
PBC2: I have the resources necessary to use the system. 
PBC3: I have the knowledge necessary to use the system. 
PBC5: The system is not compatible with other systems I use. 
FC3: A specific person (or group) is available for assistance with system difficulties.
Self-Efficacy (Dropped)
I could complete a job or task using the system... 
SE1: If there was no one around to tell me what to do as I go. 
SE4: If I could call someone for help if I got stuck. 
SE6: If I had a lot of time to complete the job for which the software was provided. 
SE7: If I had just the built-in help facility for assistance.
Anxiety (Dropped)
ANX1: I feel apprehensive about using the system. 
ANX2: It scares me to think that I could lose a lot of information using the system by hitting the wrong key. 
ANX3: I hesitate to use the system for fear of making mistakes I cannot correct. 
ANX4: The system is somewhat intimidating to me.
Behavioral Intention to Use the System
BI1: I intend to use the system in the next <n> months. 
B12: I predict I would use the system in the next <n> months. 
B13: I plan to use the system in the next <n> months.
UTAUT Model Limitations

The author has collected the following limitations and shortcomings of the UTAUT model from several top papers. Firstly, in this study, authors analyzed secondary data, not primary, which is this model's limitation. Primary data are convenient for assessing mediators and moderators. The additional shortcoming of the UTAUT model is the variance of findings for utilizing a longitudinal research; because long-term studies might provide unexpected findings.

UTAUT Model Apa Citation 7th Edition
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., & Davis, F. D. (2003). User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view. MIS Quarterly, 425-478.

Travel Itinerary Example For Finland, Schengen and Canada Visa

This article offers a sample of the Finland, Schengen, Canada, and New Zealand tourist visa application travel itinerary. It also provides instructions on how to write an itinerary for solo travelers and family tours. Finally, this content presents an itinerary template word that travelers can edit and use.

Travel Itinerary

A travel itinerary refers to a schedule of journey plans including date, transportation, location, activities, and accommodations. It explains the detailed information regarding the tour plan. A travel itinerary describes the purpose of the journey clearly and concisely. It outlines trip activities describing where, when, how, and why the travelers want to visit.

How to Write an Itinerary

A travel itinerary sample is a template to explain a scheduled tour plan. A sample of a travel itinerary provides travel guidelines to inform others. Most embassies require a travel itinerary for tourist visa applications. Therefore, the tourist visa applicants must write and submit a complete travel itinerary with the visa application form and additional documents.

A good tour itinerary follows the 5w and 1 h writing style to answer who, where, when, how, and why questions. For example, it explains the following questions:

  • Who is planning to travel mentioning a single, family, or a group of people?
  • Where do they want to visit describing the destinations and tourist attractions?
  • What is the purpose of the journey explaining the reason for the journey?
  • Why do you want to visit explaining whether it is a holiday trip or to commercial tour?
  • When do they want to travel including the date and time?
  • How to travel to the expected country or location mentioning the transportation types?

Travel Itinerary Writing Instruction

  1. Personal Details: applicant or tourist's name with contact details, a journey starting and ending date.
  2. Travel Documents: It is part of personal details and it indicates passports, NID, and travel pass.
  3. Flight Details: It indicates transportation name and number such as an airplane, ship, train, bus, or personal vehicle.
  4. Dates and Times: it mentions specific dates and times for departure, layover, arrival, and duration of stays at various locations.
  5. Accommodation: it shows where the traveler wants to stay including relative house, hotel, and lodging arrangements.
  6. Destinations: A list of all the places to be visited during the trip, including cities, landmarks, and tourist attractions.
  7. Transportation: Details about how travelers will move from one place to another, including flight numbers, train schedules, bus routes, car rentals, and other modes of transport.
  8. Activities and Sightseeing: An outline of scheduled activities including dates, times, and sightseeing destinations.
  9. Budget and Expenses: This indicates an approximate budget to complete the tours.

Travel Itinerary Sample For Schengen Visa Application

The author writes to following travel itinerary samples for a Finland tourist visa application from Malaysia. I have received a Schengen visa from the Finland embassy in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The Embassy of Finland asks me to submit a list of documents including a travel itinerary, booking ticket, hotel reservation, bank statement, current student pass, travel insurance, and application form with a photo. I wrote this travel itinerary to explain a five-day tour to Helsinki, Finland. Finally, the Embassy of Finland in Malaysia accepted my travel itinerary with additional documents and provided a tourist visa to travel to Schengen countries. It is an example of writing a travel itinerary for a Schengen visa application.

Itinerary Template Doc

The tourist can copy and edit the following travel itinerary template word file.

Personal Details
Name: M M Kobiruzzaman
Passport Number: A000000
Contact: +601000000
Start Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023
End Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2023.
Flight Details
Flight Info Departure Arrivals Duration
Air France-Airbus-320 AF-9585
Cabin Class: M (M).
KUL Tue, 19 Dec 2023
02:45 PM
Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
SIN Tue, 19 Dec 2023
03:55 PM
Changi Airport.
1h 10m
Layover: 7h 10m|Changi Airport.
Air France-Boeing-77W
Cabin Class: S (W).
SIN Tue, 19 Dec 2023
11:05 PM
Changi Airport.
CDG Wed, 20 Dec 2023
06:10 AM
Charles De Gaulle Airport.
14h 5m
Layover: 13h 20m|Charles De Gaulle Airport.
Air France-Airbus-320 AF-1176
Cabin Class: Y (M).
CDG Wed, 20 Dec 2023
07:30 PM
Charles De Gaulle Airport.
HEL Wed, 20 Dec 2023
11:35 PM
Helsinki-Vantaa Airport.
3h 5m.
Air France-Airbus-320 AF-1071
Cabin Class: Y (M)
HEL Mon, 25 Dec 2023
05:40 PM
Helsinki-Vantaa Airport.
CDG Mon, 25 Dec 2023
08:00 PM
Charles De Gaulle Airport.
3h 20m
Layover: 1h 5m|Charles De Gaulle Airport.
Air France-Boeing-77W
Cabin Class: S (W).
CDG Mon, 25 Dec 2023
09:05 PM
Charles De Gaulle Airport.
SIN Tue, 26 Dec 2023
04:55 PM
Changi Airport.
12h 50m
Layover: 21h 25m|Changi Airport.
Air France-Airbus-320 AF-9594
Cabin Class: M (M).
SIN Wed, 27 Dec 2023
02:20 PM
Changi Airport.
KUL Wed, 27 Dec 2023
03:30 PM
Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
1h 10m.
Hotel Details
CHECK-IN CHECK-OUT Hotel Name Address Payment
20 DEC- 2023
From: 15:00
26 DEC- 2023
Until 12:00
Scandic Grand Marina Katajanokanlaituri 7, Katajanokka, 00160 Helsinki, Finland. € 547.00
Day and Date
Day-1 (21 Dec-2023) On 20 December 2023, I will arrive at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport about midnight at 11:35 PM. I will check into the hotel and sleep at night.
Day-2 (21 Dec-2023) In the morning, I want to visit the Helsinki University Campus including the Library, Helsinki University Museum, Botanic Gardens, and campus. I will start visiting the Helsinki University campus at 10 AM and finish at 2:30 PM.

In the afternoon, I want to visit Helsinki Zoo and Amos Rex because these places are near to my hotel so I can cover them easily in a half-day tour.

Day-3 (22 Dec-2023) On this day, I will go for the Helsinki City Highlights Cruise excursion with a ferry ride. It will allow me to view the Suomenlinna Sea Fortress, Korkeasaari Zoo, the ice breakers, the architectural award-winning wooden sauna complex Löyly, and the Isoisänsilta bridge.

Consequently, I am planning to experience a walking tour of Suomenlinna Island.

Day-4 (23 Dec-2023)
In the morning, I will go to visit Aalto University. I am planning to spend half a day touring this university after that I will visit the Ainoa metro station and Tapiola Icepark. These places are adjacent so I can cover them in a day.
Day-4 (24 Dec-2023) I will visit SANTA CLAUS VILLAGE in Rovaniemi. It is far from the capital city; therefore, I will book a flight ticket to arrive at Rovaniemi Airport and return to the hotel on the same day. I want to join Apukka Reindeer journey activities there.
Day-5 (25 Dec-2023) On the morning of the final day in Helsinki city, I will go shopping at Kämp Galleria. I have been informed that it is a stylish shopping mall with a mix of domestic & international fashion brands, plus a food court.
In the afternoon, I will check out the hotel and go to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport to return home.
Travel Itinerary Sample For Visa Application
Travel Itinerary Personal, Flight, and Hotel Details
Travel itinerary Sample and Example
Travel itinerary Sample and Example For Visa Application

Travel Itinerary for Schengen Visa

I wanted to apply for a Schengen visa with the Embassy of Finland. The Embassy of Finland in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia asked me to submit my travel plan. As per my travel plan, I want to visit Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Spain, France, and Italy. It is a 34-day tour therefore, I have designed the following travel activities to explain my tour plan.

Day and Date Country & Location
(09 Sep, 2024)
Helsinki-Finland I will start my journey from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and arrive at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, Finland on 09 September 2024. I will check in at the Hotel and have a rest for a day. Last year, I visited Finland hence, it is the second time, I am planning to visit Helsinki city again.
(10 Sep, 2024)
Helsinki-Finland Last time, I visited the Helsinki University Campus including the Library, Helsinki University Museum, Botanic Gardens, and Helsinki Cathedral. Therefore, I want to explore Oodi, Helsinki Central Library, Helsinki Market Square, and Helsinki Zoo. Last year, I could not visit Helsinki Zoo and Amos Rex because they were closed.
(11 Sep, 2024)
Helsinki-Finland On this day, I want to explore the Suomenlinna Sea Fortress through a ferry ride. As per my previous experience, it is an amazing place for tourists. Every tourist should explore the Fortress of Suomenlinna if they visit Finland. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Helsinki, Finland.
(12 Sep, 2024)
Helsinki To Tallinn I will travel to Tallinn the capital and most populous city of Estonia. I planning to use the Helsinki to Tallinn ferry route which takes around 2 and half hours. I would prefer to buy the ferry ticket on the spot.
Day-5 To 8    (13 To 16 Sep, 2024)
Tallinn - Estonia
According to my tour plan, I will spend around three nights there to explore Tallinn city in Estonia. In these three days, I will check out Jagala Waterfall, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, The Kadriorg Art Museum, The Danish King’s Garden, The Tallinn Town Hall, and The Tallinn Creative City.
Day-9 (17 Sep, 2024)
Estonia To Sweden In the morning, I will travel to explore Stockholm the capital of Sweden. According to my study, it takes around 16 to 20 hours depending on the type of vessel I travel.
Day-9 To 16
(18 To 25 Sep, 2024)
Stockholm- Sweden I have some friends who live Stockholm in Sweden therefore, I will stay for around 7 days to spend some quality time with them. Additionally, I want to explore the beautiful city of Stockholm.
I am planning to visit the following tourist attractions in Sweden:
1. Old Town of Stockholm: Gamla Stan
2. Museums at Djurgården
3. Karolinska Institutet.
4. Lund University.
5. Uppsala University.
6. Stockholm University
7. Nobel Prize Museum
8. Tour the Royal Palace (Sveriges Kungahus)
9. Fotografiska: Stockholm's Photography Museum
10. See Historic Stockholm City Hall (Stadshuset)
11. The National Museum of Fine Arts: Nationalmuseum
12. Roam the Royal National City Park
13. Stockholm Medieval Museum (Medeltidsmuseet)
(26 Sep, 2024)
Sweden To Spain
The distance between Sweden and Spain is about 1,717 miles depending on the Airline’s flight line. The flight duration is about 3 hours and 30 m from Stockholm to Barcelona, Spain (BCN). On this day, I will fly to Spain from Sweden.
Day-18 To 21
(27 To 30 Sep, 2024)
Madrid, Barcelona & Murcia in Spain My paramount objective to travel to Spain is to visit the UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. I am CEO of Global Assistant Education Consultant and our organization assists international students to get admission at UCAM from South Asian countries. We have assisted around 50 students from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka to get admission. I have got an appointment to meet with Paula Torres Esparza, international marketing officer for Asia & Africa. Additionally, I will explore the most tourist attraction in Madrid and Barcelona city.
(01 Oct, 2024)
Spain To France The best and most convenient way to travel from Spain to France is by train and it takes only around 8 hours. I do not want to miss the train journey experience there. Therefore, I will try to travel to France by train and enjoy the natural beauty.
Day 23 To 28  (02 To 07 Oct 2024)
It is my childhood dream to visit the most beautiful The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. I am eagerly waiting to visit this tower and capture photos in front of the wrought-iron lattice tower. Moreover, I will try my best to explore all tourist attractions in Paris city including the Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre), Versailles Palace, Latin Quarter, Seine River Montmartre, and Sacré Coeur.
(08 Oct, 2024)
France To Italy The flight duration from Paris to Rome takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes on average. On the 29 days of my journey, I will head towards Rome the capital of Italy. It is the last destination in Europe because I will travel to the USA from Rome.
Day-30 To 33
(09 To 12 Oct, 2024)
Italy I will stay in Rome city for three days. In the meantime, I will explore the most historical and tourist destinations in Rome city including the Colosseum, Pantheon, Ancient Ruins, Art Museums, Piazza Navona, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, and Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
(13 Oct, 2024)
Italy To USA On 13 October 2024, I will fly to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. I will spend around five days in the USA and four days in Canada after that I will come back to Malaysia on 22 October 2024.

Travel Itinerary Sample For Canada Visa Application

Personal Details
Name: M M Kobiruzzaman
Passport Number: A000000
Contact: +60100000
Start Date: Sun, 10 March 2024
End Date: Sat, 16 March 2024
Purpose of Travel To Canada With Itinerary

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Sir/Madam,
This is M M Kobiruzzaman also a student at the University Putra Malaysia a leading public university. I completed my bachelor of Communication at UPM with a CGPA of 3.819. I managed to secure my position on the dean's and vice chancellor's student lists. Now, I am pursuing my Master of Science in Management by research mode at the School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Additionally, I am director of Global Assistant (M) Sdn Bhd, Global Assistant (ETC) Sdn Bhd, Chairman of Global Assistant Ltd, and Proprietor of Global Assistant Travel Agency. We have offices in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Dhaka Bangladesh. Now, twenty-two (22) employees work in our organizations' Malaysia and Bangladesh offices.

Our organization (Global Assistant Travel Agency is registered with the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Our travel agency is accredited by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). We assist clients in booking air tickets for domestic and international routes.

Moreover, I am a solo traveler therefore, I travel for education and recreational purposes. Recently, I visited Finland, India, Maldives, China, and Sri Lanka alone. I like to travel to other countries to know and enjoy diverse cultures and environments.

I am also an academic and creative content writer at www.newsmoor.com. In 2019, I traveled to Tokyo, Japan, and wrote a travelogue article. The article link is here- Travelogue Example- Tour To Tokyo, Japan. I am planning to travel and write another attractive and concise travel article regarding Canada if I get permission to visit this beautiful country.

I have booked the Air Ticket that has been attached to this document and I am planning to confirm the Air Ticket and Hotel Booking later after getting confirmation.

Flight Details
Flight Info Departure Arrivals Duration
Air France-Airbus-320 AF-686
Cabin Class: Y (Y).
KUL Sun, 10 Mar 2024
02:45 PM
Kuala Lumpur International Airport
SINSun, 10 Mar 2024
03:55 PM
Changi Airport
1h 10m
Layover: 7h 10m|Changi Airport
Air France-Boeing-77W AF-257
Cabin Class: D (C)
SIN Sun, 10 Mar 2024
11:05 PM
Changi Airport
CDGMon, 11 Mar 2024
06:10 AM
Charles De Gaulle Airport
14h 5m
Layover: 8h 10m|Charles De Gaulle Airport
Air France-Airbus-359 AF-356
Cabin Class: D (C)
CDG Mon, 11 Mar 2024
02:20 PM
Charles De Gaulle Airport
YYZMon, 11 Mar 2024
05:45 PM
Pearson International Airport
8h 25m.
Air France-Airbus-359 AF-351
Cabin Class: I (C)
YYZ Sat, 16 Mar 2024
07:55 PM
Pearson International Airport
CDGSun, 17 Mar 2024
08:10 AM
Charles De Gaulle Airport
7h 15m
Layover: 8h 45m|Charles De Gaulle Airport
Air France-223 AF-1140
Cabin Class: J (C)
CDG Sun, 17 Mar 2024
04:55 PM
Charles De Gaulle Airport.
AMSSun, 17 Mar 2024
06:20 PM
Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport.
1h 25m
Layover: 2h 15m|Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport.
Air France-Boeing-789 AF-809
Cabin Class: I (C)
AMS Sun, 17 Mar 2024
08:35 PM
Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport
KULMon, 18 Mar 2024
03:35 PM
Kuala Lumpur International Airport
12h 0m


Hotel Details
CHECK-IN CHECK-OUT Hotel Name Address Payment
Mon 11 Mar 2024
From 16:00
Sat 16 Mar 2024
Until 11:00
Comfort Inn. 533 Kingston Road, L1V 3N7, Pickering, Canada. CAD- 830.83
Day and Date
Day-1 (11 March-2024) On 11 March 2024, I will arrive at Toronto Pearson International Airport at 5:45 PM. I will check into the Hotel Comfort Inn and rest. I will have been traveling for more than 25 hours when I arrive in Toronto. Hence, I have to take a rest for one day.
Day-2 (12 March-2024) In the morning, I want to visit the University of Toronto Campus including the Library, the University of Toronto Art Centre, the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, the Royal Ontario Museum, and Justina M. Barnicke Gallery.

The University of Toronto is around 35 km away from the Hotel Comfort Inn; so, it might take approximately 35-40 min to arrive there. Therefore, I will start visiting the University of Toronto campus at 10 AM and finish at 2:30 PM.

In the afternoon, I want to visit Rouge National Urban Park because this place is near to my hotel so I can cover them easily in a half-day tour.

Day-3 (13 March-2024) On this day, I want to visit and experience the CN Tower and Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada. It would be a heart-pumping and dazzling experience for me that I like most.

In the evening, I will go for the Toronto Premier Dinner Cruise on Odyssey. I want to spend my evening time in Toronto Harbour with dining, picturesque views, and DJ entertainment.

Day-4 (14 March-2024)
In the morning, I will go to visit Nathan Phillips Square which is known as the TORONTO sign. I am a travel article writer therefore; I want to capture some photos to post them on my website along with written content. After that, I want to The Gardens of the Osgoode Hall. These places are adjacent so I can cover them in a day.
Day-5 (15 March-2024) I will visit Pickering Beach and Toronto Zoo. Toronto Zoo is the largest zoo in Canada. I like animals and trees. I would love to see the snow leopards, Amur tigers, West Caucasian tur, mouflon, red pandas, and Bactrian camels.
Day-6 (16 March-2024) On the morning of the final day in Toronto City, I will go shopping at Pickering Town Centre. It is a big shopping mall that is located near my hotel. I like to buy souvenirs, electronic devices like mobile phones and clothes.
In the afternoon, I will check out of the hotel and go to Pearson International Airport to return home.

Tour Itinerary Sample For New Zealand Tourist Visa Application

Date & Location Activities
Date: 25 Oct 2024
Location: Auckland
I am planning to start my journey from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia, on 25 October 2024 and arrive at Auckland Airport (AKL), Terminal: 1 at 16:35 on 26 October 2024. I am planning to travel with China Southern Airlines therefore, I have a 2h 5m Layover in Guangzhou for changing airlines.

Wendy is the name of the hotel where I am planning to stay and I have already booked this hotel from 26 October to 30 October. It is located at 17 Lyon Avenue Unit 33, 1025 Auckland, which is around 20 kilometers far from the airport. Therefore, it will take approximately 25 min in taxi.  I will check in at the Hotel and have a rest for the night.

Date: 26 Oct 2024

Location: University of Auckland
This is my first journey to Auckland, New Zealand although recently I have visited Finland, the USA, and Canada. Whenever I visit a new country, I try to visit the top-ranked universities. As per my studies, The University of Auckland is the best public university in Auckland ranked 65 in QS World University Rankings 2025. Hence, I will spend the whole day exploring this university including the General Library, Clock Tower, and Albert Park. Albert Park is formed from sandstone and is adjacent to the university. I can explore these locations easily.
Date: 27 Oct 2024
Location: University of Auckland
On the third day, I will be happy to visit Sky Tower located at Victoria Street West. It is used for telecommunications and observation towers in Auckland and is ranked 28th tallest tower in the world. Additionally, I am planning to explore the Auckland War Memorial Museum, Maritime Museum, and Auckland Zoo.
Date: 28 Oct 2024
Location: Rangitoto Island
On the fourth day, I am planning to tour Rangitoto Island, SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium, and St Heliers Beach. I have conversed with a tour guide agency named Auckland Sea Kayaks Ltd regarding a tour of Rangitoto Island. As per our discussion, I have to pay NZ$195.00 to them to guide me.
Date: 29 Oct 2024
Location: Auckland City
On the fifth and last day in Auckland City, I will experience the City Lights Night Kayak Tour. The tour guide agency will me to complete this tour. I believe it will be an amazing tour for me. I will fly to Malaysia on 30 October 2024.
Significance of this (Travel Itinerary Sample) Article

This travel itinerary sample helps students and businessmen to write a travel itinerary for visa application. Tourist visa applicants might learn how to write tour itineraries for short trips. The employees at travel agencies benefit from this article to know and teach others.