Demographic Segmentation Example In Company

Demographic Segmentation Example Company. Demographic segmentation product examples. Advantages and Disadvantages of Demographic Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation Examples

Demographic Segmentation examples refer to separating people based on demographic variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, education, religion, economic status, experience, and group membership. The example of demographic segmentation is also known as a demographic factor and variable in product example. It is an effective strategy for target audience segmentation. The three market segmentation techniques are demographic, geographic, and psychographic segmentation. People utilize demographic examples for marketing, political, and social campaigns. The demographic segmentation example company is the most significant way to divide potential customers in marketing. Market researchers use it to identify a particular group of people.

Demographic Segmentation Example Company

The demographic segmentation example in the company refers to the audience segmentation factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, education, religion, economic status, etc. The demographic segmentation example company is also known as the demographic segmentation product example.

For example, a company is conducting a marketing campaign to sell shaving cream. The company intends to target and persuade only adult males. Adult males only use shaving cream, so they want to separate males to drive the marketing campaign. It will be worthless if they spend time behind women; because women do not buy and use shaving cream. In this regard, gender is a demographic example in marketing. There are many more examples of demographic, such as age, gender, race, education, etc. Demographic examples assist the company in targeting specific customers to sell the products. It is one of the most crucial ways to target specific customers in marketing products and services.

Demographic Segmentation Example Company. Demographic segmentation product examples. Advantages and Disadvantages of Demographic Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation Example In Company

Demographic Segmentation Product Examples

The 13 Demographic Segmentation Examples in the Company are:
  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Education
  5. Religion
  6. Economic status
  7. Experience
  8. Group Member
  9. Nationality
  10. Marital Status
  11. Employment Status
  12. Family Status
  13. Living Status
  14. Political Affiliation
  15. Voting Status
  16. Language
  17. Sexual Orientation

1. Age

Age is the most significant demographic example in marketing because it divides people into similar subgroups based on their age boundary. Customers are categorized based on age limits. It sets the generation of people. A generation is a group of people who give birth and grow up throughout the same period. People of the same age have identical characteristics and experiences. Age is one of the crucial target market demographics examples.

Age Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, Generation X refers to the people born between 1965 and 1980. So, they are around 41 to 56 years old. On the other hand, Generation Z refers to the people born between 1997 and 2012; therefore, they are the newest generation, and their age is about 6 to 24 years. The characteristics, passion, attire, vision, and mission are different between Generation X and Generation Z.  Hence; the market researcher will not use the same strategic plan for both of these generations because they are distinguished in their different ages.

2. Gender

Gender is another significant example of a demographic in marketing that divides people into similar subgroups based on their sexes( Males or Females). It is a natural factor that sets people’s sex, whether male or female. Males are also called men, and females are known as women. Therefore, the market and audience researchers choose different social, political, and advertising campaigns between males and females.

Gender Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, a cosmetic product-selling company will surely target women for product marketing instead of targeting men. Women are more interested in buying cosmetics than men; therefore, most cosmetic companies choose women to reach their upcoming and existing product information.

3. Ethnicity

Ethnicity separates people into a similar subgroup based on their tradition, culture, language, history, etc. However, many market researchers have suggested avoiding ethnicity due to stereotypes. People in the same ethnic group share similar cultures, traditions, and experiences. But, two people of the same ethnic group may have diverse attitudes, interests, and experiences because of differences in their age, gender, education, income level, and religion.

Ethnicity Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, Indian women prefer to wear Saree in the cultural festival due to their traditional values. On the other hand, Malay women wear scarves and Chinese dress cheongsam. So, market researchers should focus on ethnicity in marketing products. The marketing policy will not be effective if the authority targets Indian women to sell cheongsam; because it is a Chinese dress. Hence, ethnicity is a crucial factor in product marketing.

4. Education

Education level is the most popular demographic example in market segmentation that divides people into subgroups based on their education level. The interests, attires, mentalities, and behaviours differ between educated and uneducated people. Therefore, the company’s advertising team uses a different approach for product marketing campaigns.

Education Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, the Global Assistant Education Consultant assists students in getting admission to several universities worldwide. It starts with Facebook paid advertising to collect potential customers. The students are the only customers. So, the management has selected only students to reach their advertising message.

In addition, the research questionnaire’s education level is a significant demographic example.

Demographic Questionnaire Example

Demographic Target Market Segmentation Questionnaire Examples

5. Religion

Religion is another sensitive demographic example that divides people into identical subcategories based on their religious faith and worship, such as Christianity, Muslim, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism, etc. It is one of the sensitive variables in demographic market segmentation.

Religion Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For instance, advertising for alcoholic beverages is taboo in the Muslim religion, whereas marketing for alcoholic liquor is highly accepted in the Christian. The researcher should focus on religion before starting marketing alcoholic liquor.

6. Economic Status

Economic status refers to the socio-economical condition of the audience. It separates people into similar subgroups based on their income. Income is a prime example of target market segmentation affecting people’s behaviors and attitudes.

Economic Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, if a family earns little money to exist, the family members will probably be more concerned about fulfilling basic needs. On the other hand, if a family makes a perfect amount of money, they will focus on fulfilling others’ needs, such as hobbies, passions, etc.  Researchers suggested that the higher the family income, the more conservative their attitudes.

 7. Experience

Experience refers to the skill and knowledge obtained from exercising and training. The market analyzer needs to use a different strategy for the experienced and non-experienced potential customers to motivate a client.

Experience Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, the experience is not similar among the potential newcomer, expert, and veteran employees. Similarly, students in the first, second, and final year differ in expertise and knowledge.

8. Group Member

Group members refer to some specified people who share common interests. The most common examples of social groups are primary groups, self-help groups, educational groups, service groups, virtual groups, political groups, and so on. Group members are also examples of demographic segmentation. People join a group to meet their diverse needs, for example, spending pastimes, satisfying hobbies, playing recreational activities, etc.  A group comprises a limited number of people who share a common independent goal. For instance, football team members share a common goal and represent similar attitudes and behaviour.

Group Member Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, as a marketing manager, it would be worse to sell football players’ accessories to cricket players. A group of people shares common interests; therefore, market researchers should focus on marketing relevant products to the same group.

9. Nationality

Nationality indicates the citizen of the country. Every person is a citizen of a particular country, known as nationality. According to international law, It is a legal identification of the people under a sovereign state.

Nationality Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, Jon is a citizen of America, so his nationality is American, whereas, Xujiao is Chinese, so his nationality is china.

10. Marital Status

Marital status refers to the marriage situation, admittedly. There are many types of marital status: single, married, divorced, widow, separated, single parent, and conditional partnership.

Marital Status Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, married people’s lifestyle differs from single people’s.

11. Employment Status

Employment status refers to the professional condition of the audience. It determines the profession of the target audience, such as service holders, people in business, and the unemployed. Employment status seems to be a crucial demographic variable to the target audiences in marketing. It indicates what types of products they use and do not use.

Employment Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

Employment people lead a happy life than unemployed people in society.

12. Family Status

Family status describes the condition of the family background where they grew up. The most common types of families are extended, nuclear, and single-parental families. People represent different characteristics who come from diverse families. The surveyor focuses on the family status significantly for marketing products.

Family Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, the royal family uses aristocratic brands such as BMW cars, Apple phones, Rolex watches, Gucci Bags, etc.

13. Living Status

The living status also somewhat represents the economic condition of the target audience. The two most common types of living situations are achieved status and ascribed status.

Living Status Demographic Segmentation Example in Company

For example, children grow up with ascribed status, and adults grow up with achieved status.


Demographic Segmentation Examples in Company are age, gender, ethnicity, education, religion, economic status, experience, group member, nationality, marital status, employment status, family status, and living status. These demographic examples assist the market researcher in deciding whether the customer will buy the product or not. It also provides the needs of potential customers.

Demographic Segmentation Product Examples

Demographic segmentation product examples are also known as segmentation factors and target market demographics examples. Market researchers conduct target market segmentation via a survey questionnaire. Additionally, the academic researcher set demographic characteristics in the quantitative research questionnaire to collect data for the research project.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Demographic Segmentation
Advantages of Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation allows you to find out potential clients for selling products. It also reduces unnecessary marketing costs.

Feature Articles Examples and Samples For Students PDF

Feature Articles Examples for Students PDF. Feature Writing Example For Students. How to Write a Feature Story.

Feature Article

A feature article refers to the human-interest story in mass media, including newspapers, magazines, blogs, and websites. It is a journalistic report but not opinion or editorial writing. The fundamental objective of the feature articles is to educate and entertain people, concentrating on certain people, locations, events, and expertise. For example, a travel feature article focuses on a particular location and describes why tourists should visit the place. The profile feature article also represents a person’s lifestyle, hobby, profession, recognition, and goal. There are many types of feature articles. The seven most common feature articles in journalism are profile, travel, round-up, how-to, personal experience, review, and obituary.

The feature article is soft news, so writers take enough time to study the topic to publish it. Journalists research, gather information and convey a descriptive and meaningful message through feature articles about the original ideas.  However, journalists intend to publish hard news quickly in print media. Hard news cannot adequately explain the event’s background due to the lack of preparation and time.

How Long Should a Feature Article Be?
  • A feature article should be 500 to 2500 words in length for newspapers.
  • A feature article should be 500 to 5000 words in length for Magazine.

Feature Articles Examples for Students

Today, the author explains how to write a feature article for students in journalism. This article also mentions seven steps to writing feature stories. The writers must prepare before writing the feature article and follow the steps thoroughly to yield a thoughtful article.

The Steps To Write a Feature Article

The seven steps to writing a feature article are as follows:

  1. Select the Topic
  2. Target Audience
  3. Research the Topic
  4. Outline the Steps
  5. Start the Writing Process
  6. Propose Recommendation and Caution
  7. Edit and Proofread
Feature Articles Examples for Students PDF in Journalism
1. Select the Topic

Firstly, the writers have to select the subject topic in which they can generate a meaningful feature article. It is significant to set a title as part of the pre-writing article. So, the author suggests the writers choose a topic they are interested in studying. Additionally, the writers must have a good idea and experience with the topics. For example, if the writers like to travel to tourist areas and know how to describe a tourist place. It will undoubtedly help them to set the feature article’s topic based on travel experiences. Therefore, selecting a topic is a crucial and initial step in writing a feature article in journalism.

2. Target Audience

Target audience is the second stage of making a feature article. It is another essential fact; it is useless if nobody reads the story. For example, the youths show more interest in topics related to social media. In contrast, they might offer less interest in the feature article relevant to cooking recipes. However, the restaurant owners and cooks show more interest in cooking instructions. So, the writer must set the topic based on the target audiences who will read the articles. The researchers suggest following geographic, demographic, and psychographic factors when targeting the audiences.

3. Research the Topic

Research on the topic means studying the issue in depth to collect more information. So, writers should take enough time to research the case before writing the feature article. It isn’t easy to write a thoughtful story without providing precious information. The research assists journalists in discovering sources. Authentic sources help verify information authentication, such as statistic reports, quotes by a well-known person, and references from TV, newspapers, radio, and journals. Hence, research on the topic is significant in making the article more valuable and believable.

4. Outline the Steps

The outline of the steps means sketching all stages that the writer plans to complete thoroughly. The writers should make a rough draft of how to write a complete feature story mentioning all steps of feature writing. This outline certainly helps to determine how many steps writers need to complete and how many have already been done. It also discovers the strengths and weaknesses of the writers. So they can take the additional initiative to overcome weaknesses. The best way to outline the stages is by using transitional verbs or highlighting points with number sequences. After all, it has appeared as an essential step in feature writing.

5. Start the Writing Process

The writers start to write the feature article in this stage. Therefore, it is the most significant part of feature writing. In the first paragraph, they should introduce the feature so readers can understand the topic’s essence. In addition, journalists explain the advantages of reading this article; therefore, they use catchy sentences to attract audiences. For example, journalists must explain what kind of adverse consequences the audience can encounter by hacking if they want to write a feature article about how to stop hacking Facebook IDs. So it triggers them to read the full article.

Moreover, the researcher suggests writing one paragraph for each section and never messing up one part with other parts. The writer should remember that readers are not aware of the writing process. So, it will be difficult for them if they do not write one paragraph in each section.  For example, journalists should mention “how to open a Facebook ID” before instructing them to protect Facebook from hacking.

Furthermore, the writers should use chronological order to clarify every step to the readers. For example, they should mention steps one, two, and three of the article for better understanding. They also need to use action verbs to describe steps, such as apply, write, cut, mix, use, change, etc.

Finally, the writers should ensure that the article is simple and friendly. So, they need to stop using irrelevant information and make it assertive.

6. Add Recommendations and Caution

If necessary, the journalists should propose suggestions and cautions when necessary. The readers might consider the writer less informative if they do not offer recommendations. It is a fundamental duty to add a warning if there have any possible dangers in the process of the article. For example,  the writers suggest wearing winter dresses to keep warm when writing the travelogue feature article representing cold places, including Antarctica, Russia, Iceland, Canada, and the United States.

7. Edit and Proofread

The final step of feature writing is editing and proofreading. It means revising the article again and again before publishing it for the readers. The writers should read the article loudly in front of friends and employees to verify it. They need to brainstorm to dig out more questions and find the answer. Students can edit the article only; because proofreading is expensive. However, the editors must proofread the article before publishing it in print media such as newspapers and magazines.  The researchers suggested some common questions for writers that they can ask. The questions are as follows: do they understand the process, are there any steps missing, and is there anything else to add?

Feature Articles Examples for Students

The author includes two feature article examples for students. These examples incorporate the seven steps to writing a feature article. Therefore, this feature article example must assist students, writers, journalists, and employees in teaching how to write a feature story.

Travelogue Feature Writing Examples

Travelogue Example for Students & Travelogue Sample

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Film Review of 3 Idiots For StudentsConclusion

The seven steps to write a feature article are: select the topic, target audience, research the topic, outline the steps, start the writing process and propose recommendations and cautions, and edit and Proofread. People read feature articles to earn more knowledge on certain events.  Sometimes, the audiences read feature writing to get instructions to complete their tasks. So, the writer should be more responsible when writing a feature article to educate the audience. Hopefully, the seven steps to writing a feature article will assist students in completing feature writing assignments. It also guides new writers and journalists in writing complete feature articles.