List of Social Groups Types With Examples

List of Social Groups- Types of Social Groups PDF. Examples of Social groups. Also, Types of Social Groups in Sociology

Social Groups

Social groups refer to many groups in a society formed by more than two people who communicate regularly to achieve individual and their respective group goals. The people in the same group share similar characteristics, mutual expectations, and shared identity. Many groups have been prevalent in society for thousands of years, such as learning groups, work-group, self-help groups, etc. The social group is divided into many small groups. However, a social group is also known as a small group when a small number of people create the group. Small group communication is significant to achieving the group goal.

Group communication has many stages, tensions, and conflicts, so members need to maintain all the challenges to achieve the final goal. According to Tuckman’s Theory, the five stages of group discussion are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. Members must overcome all these stages to achieve the independent and interdependent goal. The four types of barriers in group communication are Ethnocentrism, Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination.

List of Social Groups or Types of Social Groups

The 10 Types of Social Groups are:
  1. Primary Group
  2. Social Group
  3. Self-help Group
  4. Educational or learning group
  5. Service Group
  6. Civic Group
  7. Work-Group
  8. Public Group
  9. Virtual Group
  10. Also, Political Group

Based on the research, the author has revealed a list of the top 10 types of social groups—the list of the top 10 types of social groups with the overall purpose and example given below.

Examples of Social Groups
1. Primary Group

Firstly, Satisfy primary needs (needs for inclusion [affiliation, belonging] also affection [love, esteem]. Interpersonal communicative behaviors are self-disclosure, empathy, trust, and perceived understanding. Some textbooks also use “long-standing group” because of long-term relationships.

For example, the Nuclear family, Roommates, Several friends who meet daily around a table (best friends), and co-workers who regularly share Coffee breaks are under the primary group.

2. Social Group

Some textbooks also use “secondary group,” usually formed to do work. Completing a project, solving a problem, and also making a decision. Although an intimate relationship can develop, the social group shares a common interest or engages in a shared activity.

For example, Athletic Teams and Peer Groups are social groups.

3. Self-help Group

To offer support and encouragement to members who want or need help. A self-help group refers to individuals who share a common problem or life situation. Anonymous and support groups are available on the Internet, providing health, personal, or relationship issues.

For example, Doctor Budak and MyEndosis is a self-help group.

4. Educational or Learning Group

Usually, the Educational or Learning Group primarily discovers and develops new ideas and ways of thinking.
This group is intended to enhance members’ skills, abilities, also cognitive processes.  Members hope to gain additional knowledge or improve their behavior.

For example, professional workshops and health and fitness classes (Yoga) are educational and learning groups.

5. Service Group

The service group comprises volunteers who donate their time, energy, and effort to help others who need a particular service or lack something to help them lead a functional life. The task of this group is to help someone less fortunate. To support worthy causes that help people outside the group.

For example, PT Foundation and Kiwanis is a service group.

6. Civic Group

A civic group is formed to support worthy causes that help people within the group.

For example, Fire and Police Auxiliary Groups are civic groups.

7. Work-group

Work-group is, also known as decision-making and problem-solving groups (solving and dealing with specific issues)-Occur within an organizational context. Members complete particular tasks and routine duties on behalf of an organization whose members take collective responsibility for the job.

For example, Standing committees, Taskforces, and Management Teams are workgroups.

8. Public Group

A public group is focused on discussing important issues in front of or for the benefit of the public. However, the members of this group are key decision-makers.

For example, Symposiums, Panel discussions, and Forums are public groups.

9. Virtual Group

The task-oriented group can collaborate across time, space, and organizational boundaries. Virtual group members work interdependently on a task but from different physical locations via communication technology. This group evolves into a virtual community or a group that meets regularly in cyberspace for members to share their experiences, opinions, and knowledge on a particular topic or interest. Virtual groups communicate via virtual meeting platforms, such as Google Meet, Zoom meetings, Microsoft Teams, etc. 

For example, a CEO from another country is a virtual group.

10. Political Group

A political group discusses crucial political party issues and contributes to countries’ well-being.

For example, the Democratic Party and Liberal Party is a political group.

Types of Social Groups PDF
List of Social Groups- Types of Social Groups & Examples of social group. Social groups Definition & Examples. 10 Types of Social Groups are Primary group, Social Group, Self-help Group, Educational or Learning Group, Service Group, Service group, Work-group, Public group, Virtual Group, Political Group.
Types & Examples of Social Groups pdf