Social Group Types: Ten Types of Social Groups and Examples

Social Groups Types and Examples In Sociology PDF. Also, Ten Types of Social Groups.

Social Groups

Social groups refer to groups of people in society who communicate regularly to achieve individual and group goals. Every social group is formed by more than two people. The people in the same group share similar characteristics, mutual expectations, and shared identity. These groups have been prevalent in society for thousands of years, such as learning groups, work groups, self-help groups, etc. The social groups are divided into different small sub-groups. A small social group consists small number of people in society. The members of these small social groups communicate regularly and share common objectives. Group communication is significant to achieving the group goal.

Group development models explain that group communication has many stages, tensions, and conflicts, so members need to maintain all the challenges to achieve the final goal. According to Tuckman’s Theory, the five stages of group discussion are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. Members must overcome all these stages to achieve the independent and interdependent goal. The four types of barriers in group communication are Ethnocentrism, Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination.

Social Groups Types In Sociology
Ten Types of Social Groups Example

Types of Social Groups

The 10 Types of Social Groups are:
  1. Primary Group
  2. Secondary Group
  3. Self-help Group
  4. Learning Group
  5. Service Group
  6. Civic Group
  7. Work-Group
  8. Public Group
  9. Virtual Group
  10. Political Group

Based on the research, the author has revealed a list of the top 10 types of social groups—the list of the top 10 types of social groups with the overall purpose and example given below.

Types of Social Groups with Examples

1. Primary Group

The primary group refers to close relationships among family members, friends, and roommates. The members satisfy primary needs including affiliation, belonging, love, and esteem. The primary group maintains interpersonal communicative behaviors among members such as self-disclosure, empathy, trust, and perceived understanding. The researchers term primary group as a long-standing group in many textbooks; because of long-term relationships.

For example, the Nuclear family, Roommates, Several friends who meet daily around a table (best friends), and co-workers who regularly share Coffee breaks are under the primary group.

2. Secondary Group

A secondary group is formed when few people communicate to complete daily tasks. Most scholars mentioned that the secondary group is usually formed to do work. The group members form this group to complete a project and solve a problem. Similar to the primary group, secondary group members share a common interest or engage in a shared activity.

For example, Athletic Teams and Peer Groups are social groups.

3. Self-Help Group (SHG)

A self-help group refers to voluntary team members who meet together to improve their living, physical, and financial condition. Group members face similar health conditions, common problems or life situations, and financial crises. This group goal is directed to a mutual approach to resolving problems. It offers support and encouragement to members who look for individual development. Self-help groups are available on the Internet, providing health, personal, or relationship issues.

For example, Diabetes Peer Support Groups, Cancer self-help and support groups, and Early Morning Running Groups.

4. Learning Group

A learning group refers to a collective of people who come together to develop skills and abilities. Usually, the educational or learning group primarily discovers and develops new ideas and ways of thinking.
This group is intended to enhance members’ skills, abilities, also cognitive processes. Group members gain additional knowledge to improve their behavior.

For example, the English-speaking club members come together to practice and improve English language proficiency.  professional workshops and health and fitness classes (Yoga) are examples of learning groups.

5. Service Group

The service group refers to a group of volunteers who donate their time, energy, and effort to help others who need particular assistance. This group members seek to help those people who need something to lead their lives. They foster social etiquette and responsibility towards others in society.  The task of this group is to help someone less fortunate. 

For example, the Physical Therapy Foundation and Kiwanis is a service group.

6. Civic Group

A civic group is formed to support the community by raising voices. In this group, members help people within the community. Civic groups play a vital role in promoting civic engagement, fostering social cohesion, and advancing positive social changes. Members mobilize resources, raising awareness, and advocating for policy reform. They provide opportunities for individuals to come together, voice their concerns, and take collective action to address pressing issues facing their communities and societies

For example, Parent-Teacher Associations, Churches, Mosques, Scouting and Rotary Clubs.

7. Work-group

The working group is, also known as a decision-making and problem-solving group. The group members deal with solving specific issues that occur within an organizational context. Members complete particular tasks and routine duties on behalf of an organization whose members take collective responsibility for the job. The group goal is to collaborate in collective work.

For example, Standing committees, Taskforces, and Management Teams are workgroups.

8. Public Group

A public group is focused on discussing important issues for the benefit of the public. The group members focus on the common goals that benefit everyone within context. They are key decision-makers and promote general public matters. Social media users are part of this group. 

For instance, symposiums, panel discussions, and forums are examples of public groups.

9. Virtual Group

The task-oriented group can work across time, space, and organizational boundaries. Virtual meeting group members work interdependently on a task but from different physical locations via communication technology. This group evolves into a virtual community or a group that meets regularly in cyberspace for members to share their experiences, opinions, and knowledge on a particular topic or interest. Virtual groups communicate via virtual meeting platforms, such as Google Meet, Zoom meetings, Microsoft Teams, etc. 

For example, a freelancer works from a different country via online meetings.

10. Political Group

A political group discusses crucial economic and political issues and contributes to countries' well-being. The political leaders meet physically or virtually to make decisions. 

For example, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the two major political groups. From a political perspective, most American voters are members of Democratic or Republican political parties.

In conclusion, the ten types of social groups are primary group, secondary group, self-help group, learning group, service group, civic group, work group, public group, virtual group, and political group. Then members of these groups communicate and work together for people's well-being. The advantages of small group communication are enhancing performance, member satisfaction, and greater civic engagement.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Communication PDF

Small-Group Communication Advantages and Disadvantages. Six Benefits or Advantages of Small Group Communication. Also, Disadvantages of Small Group Communication.

Small-Group Communication

Small group communication refers to the intercommunication among a small number of people who communicate regularly to achieve a shared goal. It is also known as a small group discussion or team interaction. Small group communication is essential for group learning. The vital features of group communication are Goals, Members, Interaction, Interdependence, and Working. These elements are inevitable to conduct small group communication. The members are the primary elements of the group communication who form the small group to achieve a common goal. For example, a small group of students communicates regularly to complete group assignments.

Small Group Communication Definition By Scholars

The definitions of small group communication by different scholars are as follows:

A small group is an interaction between two or more individuals who interact over time to achieve common group goals or achieve individual goals valued by each member who believes that this group can help them achieve them (Harris & Sherblom, 2018).

A limited number of people who communicate face-to-face share a common understanding of an interdependent goal, influence one another, and express a sense of belonging to the group (Schultz, 1996).

Two or more persons interact with one another so that each person influences another person (Jones, George, and Hill, 2000).

According to David and Chris (2009), a small group of a few people engaged in communication interaction over time in a face-to-face or computer-mediated environment with common goals and norms and has developed a communication pattern for meeting their goals in an Interdependent manner.

Small group members encounter a few stages and barriers to achieving individual and group goals. According to Tuckman’s group discussion theory, the five steps of small group communication are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. The four barriers in group communication are ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.

Examples of Small Group Communication
Five Examples of small group communication are:
  1. Nuclear family members communicate with each other.
  2. A small group of students communicates to complete assignments.
  3. A few employees discuss completing office projects.
  4. The football team members discuss how to yield victory.
  5. The Political leaders discuss how to ensure victory in the election.

Recently, virtual communication has become very prevalent in our society. Politicians, students, employees, and businessmen create a virtual group to communicate via virtual meeting platforms. People also build small groups to achieve personal, educational, and professional goals. Students conduct a virtual meeting for group study.

Examples of small group communication

Small group communication occurs in various contexts and settings, involving a limited number of individuals who interact and collaborate to achieve common goals or objectives.

The author represents five examples of small-group communication:

  1. Team Meetings at Organization: A group of employees gathers regularly to complete office tasks. They meet and sit together to discuss project updates, brainstorm ideas, allocate tasks, and address challenges. Team meetings facilitate collaboration, decision-making, and problem-solving among members working towards a shared goal. They keep meeting minutes to keep records.
  2. Study Groups in College: Students form small study groups to review course material, prepare for exams, and work on group assignments. These study groups provide opportunities for peer learning, knowledge sharing, and academic support in a more informal and collaborative environment.
  3. Family Discussions: Family members come together to have discussions about important decisions, such as planning a vacation, resolving conflicts, or addressing household responsibilities. Small group communication within families promotes understanding, cohesion, and shared decision-making.
  4. Community Task Forces: A small group of community members forms a task force to address a specific issue or concern, such as improving neighborhood safety or organizing a community event. Task force meetings involve brainstorming ideas, coordinating efforts, and mobilizing resources to achieve community goals.
  5. Support Groups: Individuals facing similar challenges or experiences come together in support groups to share their stories, encourage, and offer emotional support. Whether it's a support group for addiction recovery, grief counseling, or mental health, small-group communication fosters empathy, validation, and healing among participants.

These examples illustrate how small group communication occurs in various contexts, serving different purposes such as collaboration, learning, decision-making, support, and community engagement.

Characteristics of Small Group Communication

The five characteristics of small group communication are members, goals, interactions, working, and interdependence.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Communication

Every group communication is intended to achieve a common goal. Thus, group members communicate to achieve their individual and shared goals. However, every group discussion or communication has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the benefits of Small Group communication are superior performance, Greater member satisfaction, Greater civic engagement, More learning, More creativity, Enhanced cultural understanding, and so on. In contrast, the disadvantages of small group communication are more time, energy, and resources, conflict, social loafing, blaming for shared errors, sleeping members, and scheduling problems.

Based on the study, the author has outlined a list of the advantages and disadvantages of Small Group Communication.

Firstly, the author will discuss six advantages of small group or team communication or discussion. After that, discuss six disadvantages of a small group or team communication or discussion.

Small Group Communication Advantages and Disadvantages
Small-Group Communication Advantages and Disadvantages

Six Advantages of Small Group Communication

  1. Superior performance
  2. Greater member satisfaction
  3. Greater civic engagement
  4. More learning
  5. More Creativity
  6. Enhanced cultural understanding
1. Superior Performance

According to MIT Management Professor Peter Senge: “If you want something really creative done, you ask a team to do it, instead of sending one person off to do it on their own.” Groups make better decisions and also solve problems incredibly complex and unclear problems. Finally, groups share the workload among group members.

2. Greater Member Satisfaction

Social benefits – the opportunity to make friends, socialize, receive peer support, and feel part of a unified and successful team or group. The more opportunities group members have to communicate with one another, the more satisfied they are with the group experience.

3. Greater Civic Engagement

You can apply theories, methods, and tools to better engage in service to the community you learn in a group communication course. 

4. More Learning
  • A group provides many resources to work on a problem
  • “Synergistic” effect (Buckminster Fuller, the architect of the geodesic)
  • Synergy = the sum is more significant than its parts
  • Members can also learn from other members
  • New members learn from veterans; similar amateurs learn from experts.
  • They also learn more about how to work as a group in contrast to just merely topics they discuss.
  • It also helps in the decision-making process.
  • It is the product of interacting individuals stimulating one another so that what emerges is a product that no one member could accomplish working alone.
  • Additionally, it allows group members to share collective information, stimulate critical thinking, challenge assumptions, and raise achievement standards.
  • In the academic context, collaborative learning promotes higher individual achievement in knowledge acquisition, retention, accuracy, creativity in problem-solving, and higher-level reasoning.
5. More Creativity

The key to creativity is the mental flexibility required to mix thoughts from our many experiences. Groups provide a creative multiplier effect by tapping more information, brainpower, and insights.

6. Enhanced Cultural Understanding

Members differ in characteristics, life experiences, cultures, interests, and attitudes. Therefore, group members get a chance to enhance their cultural understanding of others. Working effectively = understanding, respecting, and adapting to differences in members’ skills, experiences, opinions, behavior, and differences in gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, race, status, and worldviews.

Six Disadvantages of Small Group Communication
  1. More time, energy, and resources
  2. Conflict
  3. Social Loafing
  4. Blaming for shared errors
  5. Sleeping Member
  6. Scheduling
1. More Time, Energy, and Resources

A group needs more time, energy, and resources to discuss issues and analyze and resolve problems. In contrast, less time, energy, and resources are required when an individual works alone.

 A group does not have a long attention span; instead, it has a short attention span (David Berg, 1967). However, a long attention span is inevitable to complete a task within the period.

In group communication, they tend to get side-tracked. Similarly, topics that do not pertain to the discussion may be brought up.

2. Conflict

Disagreement = aggressive also disruptive

Group members are often confronted with an individual who wants to take over; therefore, conflict exists in group communication.

3. Social Loafing

Social loafing refers to the idle activity of a person or group member who pays less effort than other members to achieve a goal. They work very well alone to complete their tasks but spend less effort working in a group. Therefore, sometimes, social loafing stimulates a group less productive.

4. Blaming for shared errors

A proverb says that to err is human. Errors come from personal and group activities; therefore, it is essential to identify the root cause of errors and the person who creates them. Sometimes, group members do not acknowledge shared mistakes; instead, they blame each other. Therefore, blaming for shared mistakes might increase conflict among group members, which reduces productivity.

5. Sleeping Member

Sleeping members are always barriers to reducing production in Small groups because they do not achieve the goal.

6. Scheduling Problem

Scheduling a group or team meeting is a challenge the group faces regularly. Usually, all group members are unavailable to join the meeting simultaneously because of their busyness. Hence, it reduces group productivity not for scheduling regular meetings among members. Therefore, scheduling group meetings is essential in increasing group members' commitment.


The advantages and disadvantages of small group communication have been discussed elaborately in this article so that readers know about a small group or team communication. Of course, the group or team must take the necessary steps to communicate effectively among group members. However, reducing the disadvantages of small-group communication will surely increase productivity.

The Rationale for Studying Small Group Communication

Firstly, we live among many small groups; for example, your family group and groups of close friends. Additionally, colleagues at work, social and recreational clubs, athletic teams, and many more. In addition, The world of work—government, politics, health, a business group. The work relies on small groups of experts to gather, interpret, and present data to the decision-makers in their organizations. Similarly, Learning how to act and react in a group can help you overcome anxiety and uncertainty. Finally, Help you diagnose and improve your performance.

Citation for this Article (APA 7th Edition)

Kobiruzzaman, M. M. (2024, March 13). Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Communication PDF. Newsmoor.

Berg, D. M. (1967). A thematic approach to the analysis of the task‐oriented, small group. Communication Studies18(4), 285-291.
Harris, T. E., & Sherblom, J. C. (2018). Small group and team communication. Waveland Press.
Schultz, D. E. (1996). The inevitability of integrated communications. Journal of Business Research37(3), 139-146.