Survey Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper

Survey Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper. Questionnaire Example For Research Paper. Sample Questionnaire For Research Paper, Proposal, & Project PDF.


A questionnaire refers to a quantitative survey tool consisting of multiple questions to collect data from respondents and informants. The survey questionnaire comprises five common 5W and 1H questions including how, why, who, when, and what. The most common questionnaires are product usability and customer satisfaction survey questionnaires.

Additionally, questionnaires are crucial to collect information in quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative survey questions consist of 'what', 'why', and 'how' questions to quantity something. These questions are set to identify connections and relations between or among independent, dependent, mediator, and moderator variables. The respondents are the sample of the population who participate in the survey to provide information. Quantitative survey questions are part of the quantitative research's data collection process.

In contrast, qualitative questionnaires consist of 'what', and 'how' to explore in-depth opinions about something. qualitative research avoids why questions that are set to identify cause and effect relations. The survey can be conducted face-to-face or on online platforms. However, every questionnaire includes an introduction of questionnaires to provide a concise idea about the research.

Questionnaire Sample

A questionnaire sample is a format of survey questions that assist the researcher in collecting data. The author designs some questionnaire samples for students and researchers. These samples assist the new researchers in setting a questionnaire perfectly based on the research topic. The sample of the questionnaire has been collected from University students. New researchers will get a concept of how to create a survey questionnaire to collect data.

The author has presented some different research questionnaire examples and set download links here so that readers download the pdf form. This sample and example of research questionnaires might provide a better level of understanding for the new researchers.

Questionnaire Sample For Quantitative Research Paper

Quantitative survey research includes the title, abstract of the research paper, introduction, methods, results, discussion, questionnaire bibliography, and appendix. The questionnaire sample for the research paper will provide precise ideas about creating survey questionnaires for a quantitative research paper. Many undergraduate and postgraduate students do not know how to set questionnaires for a thesis or dissertation. Therefore, the author has designed and collected a few samples of the questionnaire for quantitative research. We do not influence students to copy these questionnaires; however, you can get ideas to create your questionnaire. Students should read and follow samples to set questionnaires for their quantitative research projects. 

Quantitative Survey Questionnaires Sample For Research Paper

An example of a complete survey questionnaire has been demonstrated below. The title of the research project is "An Examination of the Correlation Between Social Media Engagement and Citizen Journalism Practice". It is a Google Form questionnaire sample. The author shares this online questionnaire link with respondents and they complete it at their convenient times. It is the most recent example of the questionnaire designed followed by the APA 7th edition.

Quantitative Research Title: An Examination of the Correlation Between Social Media Engagement and Citizen Journalism Practice.

Dear Participants,
I am inviting you to join this quantitative research project by completing the following survey questionnaires. This study intends to examine the Correlation Between Social Media Engagement and Citizen Journalism Practice. It requires approximately 5-7 minutes to complete the questionnaires. Thank you for taking your time in assisting me with this research. Under no circumstances are you obliged to answer any of the questions, however, doing so will greatly assist me to complete my research and enhance my understanding of this research focus. The data collected will remain confidential and used solely for academic purposes.

SECTION A. Demographic Questions Section A should be moved to a new page

Instructions: Please complete this section by circling the following answers

A1. What is your gender?

  1. Male
  2. Female

A2. How old are you?

  1. 18-23
  2. 24-28
  3. 29-33
  4. Above 33

A3. What is Your Nationality?

  1. Malaysian
  2. Non-Malaysian

A4. What is your race?

  1. Malay
  2. Chinese
  3. Indian
  4. Please specify

A5. What is your level of education?

  1. STPM
  2. Matric
  3. Diploma
  4. Foundation
  5. Undergraduate
  6. Masters
  7. PhD

A6. What is the Year of Study

  1. Year 1-2
  2. Year 3-4
  3. Above 5

A7. What is your family's monthly income?

  1. Less thanRM2000
  2. RM2001 – RM4000
  3. RM4001 to RM6000
  4. Over RM6000
Section B: The Use of Social Media for Citizen Journalism

Please read the definition of social media-based citizen journalism and keep it in mind when you answer the following questions. Social media-based citizen journalism refers to generating and sharing news events (personal, social, educational, entertainment, political, and crime-related news) on social networking sites by ordinary people.

B1. What types of social networking sites do you use most to practice citizen journalism?

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Instagram
  5. WhatsApp
  6. Please specify…

B2. How much time do you spend on social media-based citizen journalism in a day?

  1. less than 1 hour per day
  2. about 1 – 2 hours per day
  3. about 2 – 4 hours per day
  4. more than 5 hours per day

B3. Why do you use social media to practice citizen journalism?

  1. To report real-time news
  2. To entertain friends
  3. For educating people about social awareness
  4. To shape public opinion
  5. For others, please specify

B4. How many social media sites do you use to practice citizen journalism?

  1. Only 1 account
  2. 2 – 4 accounts
  3. 5 accounts and above

B5. Which time of the day do you normally access the social media?

  1. Morning
  2. Afternoon
  3. Evening
  4. At night

B6. Which day in the week do you mostly access social media?

  1. During weekdays
  2. During weekends
 Section C: Performance Expectancy of social media engagement for citizen journalism

C8. What is your performance expectancy of the use of social media to practice citizen journalism?

Instruction: Please answer the following section based on the following scale:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Somewhat Agree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
NO Statement 1 2 3 4 5
C1. I would find social media useful in practicing citizen journalism
C2. Using social media enables me to share news events more quickly
C3. Using social media increases my productivity in reporting real-time news
C4. Social media increases my mastery of what is happening globally
C5 Social media make me aware of what news is important to my friends and co-workers
C6 Using social media can increase my chances of creating and sharing informative news events.
C7. Using social media will allow me to spend less time reporting and consuming news.

 Items 1-3 were adapted from Venkatesh et al. (2003), Item 4-5 was adapted from Peng and Miller (2021), and Item 6-7 was adapted from Puriwat and Tripopsakul (2021).

 Section D: Effort expectancy of social media engagement for citizen journalism

D9. What is your effort expectancy of the use of social media to practice citizen journalism?

Instruction: Please answer the following section based on the following scale:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Somewhat Agree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
D1. My citizen journalism exercise with social media would be straightforward and understandable.
D2. It would be effortless for me to exercise my content writing skills using social media.
D3. I would find social media-based citizen journalism easy to use
D4. Learning to operate social media to practice citizen journalism is easy for me
D5. It is easy for me to become a freedom journalist using social media for news updating
D6. It is easy for me to consume news on social media
D7. It is convenient to share the news with friends on social media
D8 Using social media will help me to spread the emergency news faster.

Items 1-3 were adapted from Venkatesh et al. (2003), Items 4-7 were adapted from Peng and Miller (2021), and Item 8 was adapted from Puriwat and Tripopsakul (2021).

Section E: Social Influence of social media engagement for citizen journalism

What is your social influence of social media engagement for citizen journalism? Instruction: Please answer the following section based on the following scale:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Somewhat Agree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
E1. People who are important to me think that I
should use social media for news sharing
E2. The senior students of my university recommend me to use social media for searching academic news
E3. People important to me talk with me about the news they
saw on social media
E4. I observed my friends sharing news on social media
E5. I found my important friends discussing the news they read on social media
E6. It makes me feel proud when my friends praise me for sharing informative news on social media.
E7. I become motivated when my social media friends benefit from my reporting.
E8. People around me consider it suitable to use social media news consuming

Items 1-2 were adapted from Venkatesh et al. (2003), Items 3-5 were adapted from Peng and Miller (2021), Items 6-7 were set by Authors, and Item 8 was adapted from Puriwat and Tripopsakul (2021).

Section F: The use of social media to practice citizen journalism

Instruction: Please answer the following section based on the following scale:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Somewhat Agree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
E1. I often use social media to share news content
E2. I have been using social media regularly to report real-time news with friends
E3. To report real-time news to friends, I use social media regularly
E4. In my daily life, I use social media to share news events
E5. I take advantage of online social networking sites to perceive hard news
E6. I use social networking sites to post events around me.
E7. Whenever I need to read viral news, I go through social media platforms

Item 1-5 adapted from Puriwat and Tripopsakul (2021), Item 5-7 set by Authors

Additionally, the author has collected some survey questionnaires from students and research experts. So, these questionnaires will assist students in completing their research papers. Many students and researchers might adapt them to write the thesis and dissertation.

Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper-1
Research Title: Relationship between Awareness of Fake News Sharing on Facebook and the Perception of Message Credibility and Brand Trust of Facebook among youths.

Survey Questionnaire Introduction Sample For Research Paper

Dear Participants, I am inviting you to participate in this research by completing the following survey. This research investigates the relationship between the awareness of Fake news sharing on Facebook and the perception of message credibility and brand trust on Facebook among youths. The following questionnaire will require approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for taking the time to assist me with this research. Under no circumstances are you obliged to answer any of the questions; however, doing so will greatly assist me in completing my research and enhancing my understanding of this research focus. The data collected will remain confidential and used solely for academic purposes.

Sample Questionnaire For Research- Download Link
Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper-2
Research Title: Malaysia's E-commerce Websites' Information and its Influence on Customers' Information Privacy Concerns.Dear Sir/Madam

The researcher is a master's student of corporate communication at UPM. This survey aims to gain insight into Malaysia's e-commerce websites' information and its influence on customers' information privacy concerns. The survey questionnaires have been adapted from previous research conducted on information privacy concerns. For more understanding of the questions, short notes are given for more explanation on the topic. Your opinions are highly appreciated and strictly confidential. The researcher of this project has only the power to access the data. The researcher intends to include the survey report in the findings and discussion chapter. 

Thank You Very Much For Your Time

Sample Questionnaire For Research Paper Download Link
Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper-3
Research Title: Communicating Copyright Law in Malaysia: The Perception of Undergraduate Students in University Putra Malaysia.

Dear Participants.
I am inviting you to participate in this research by completing the following survey questionnaires. This research paper aims to know the knowledge of Communicating Copyright Law in Malaysia: The
Perception of Undergraduate Students in University Putra Malaysia. The following survey questionnaire will take approximately 3-7 minutes to complete. Advance, thank you for taking the time to assist with this research. Under no circumstances are you obliged to answer any of the questions; however, pay your all-out effort to assist me in completing my study and enhancing my understanding of this research focus. The data collected will remain confidential and used solely for this research paper.



Final Year Student from the Bachelor of Communication program
Majoring in Journalism
Faculty of Modern Language and Communication
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Sample Questionnaire For Research Paper PDF
Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper-4
Research Title: From a Pandemic to an Infodemic: Establishing a Health Information Overload Model Based on COVID-19 Outbreak in Malaysia. 

Dear respondent, I hope you are doing well and staying safe. We are a health communication research team from the Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication (FBMK), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

We are conducting a research project to understand how Malaysians perceive COVID-19 as dangerous and serious, what social media they use to seek information, and how likely they are overloaded with it. Meanwhile, we also seek to understand how much Malaysians understand the virus and intend to get COVID-19 vaccination.

There are eight (8) sections in this online survey questionnaire. You are expected to answer ALL the questions listed. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to. If you volunteer to be in this study, you may withdraw from it at any time. There is no potential risk or harm to you for participating in this research project. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the investigators of this research project. You are also very encouraged to share this questionnaire with your family members, friends, and others in your community; it would surely help us better understand COVID-19 issues in Malaysia. Please click the "NEXT" button below to answer the questions if you agree to participate in this research.
Thank you for your time, and we hope you and your loved ones are staying safe always.

Sample Questionnaire For Research Paper Download Link
Survey Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper-5

Project Title: Factors Affecting Adoption of E-Payment Among Bangladeshi Students in Bangladesh

Dear respondents,

I am a final year undergraduate student in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from the University Putra Malaysia (UPM). This survey aims to evaluate the factors affecting the adoption of e-payment among Bangladeshi Students in Bangladesh.


There are SIX (6) pages in this questionnaire. Please answer ALL questions that are needed on ALL pages. Completion of this questionnaire will take you approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Please feel free to share your information in the space provided. The content of this questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential and used only for academic research papers.

Thank you very much for your time.

Sample Questionnaire For Research Paper PDF Download
Questionnaire Sample For Students PDF-6
Project Title: The Effectiveness of Communication Efforts on Mount Fuji, Japan.

Hello respondents! We are students from University Putra Malaysia's KOM3405 (Heritage Communication). We are currently surveying the effectiveness of communication efforts on Mount Fuji, Japan. So, we would like to invite you to participate in this survey.

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. It is one of the World Heritage Sites as stated by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

The information provided is only for academic purposes and will be strictly confidential. This participation is entirely voluntary. This survey will only take 5 minutes. Your participation is highly appreciated.

Thank you.


Questionnaire Sample For Students PDF
Questionnaire Sample For Students PDF
Survey Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper-7

(Sample demographic questionnaire for students)

Questionnaire Sample For Research Papersurvey questionnaire sample for research paper

survey questionnaire sample for research paper

Survey Questionnaire Sample For Thesis Paper-7

Questionnaire Sample- UPM Logo

Dear respondent,

I am a student at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication at the University of Putra Malaysia. I wish to collect some information about your awareness of obesity.

You are invited to participate in this survey in which your insight and information are valuable for us to strategize the health communication campaign to be more effective. I greatly appreciate your help in providing us with your honest answers to the questions below. I reassure you that the information gathered in this paper will only be used for event purposes and kept confidential.

Thank you.


A1 Ethnic Malay Indian
A2 Gender Chinese. Other: ______________
□ Male. □ Female
A3 Age Below 15 31–35
15–19 36–40
20–25 41–45
26–30 Above 45

A4. Which written language(s) do you understand? (Choose whichever is relevant)

Malay English
Chinese Tamil

A5. Which spoken language do you prefer? (Choose one (1) ONLY)

Malay English
Mandarin Tamil
Cantonese Hakka
Hokkien Other: ___________


B1. What are the primary sources you use the most to obtain health information? (Choose a minimum of one (1) answer and a maximum of three (3) answers).

Newspaper Internet
Magazine Facebook
Television Instagram
Radio Twitter
WeChat Other: ______________

B2. If you have selected a newspaper as one of the sources for obtaining information about health, which newspaper vehicle do you read the most? (Choose one (1) ONLY)

Sin Chew Daily Guang Hwa Daily
China Press Daily News
Nanyang Siang Pau The Star
Utusan Malaysia Berita Harian
Kosma! News StraitTime
Guang Ming Daily Other: ______________

C1. Do you watch local television (TV) station(s)?

  • Yes (Proceed to Q2)
  • No (Proceed to Q4)

C2. How many hours of TV do you watch in a day? (Choose one (1) ONLY)

  • Less than 1 hour per day
  • 4-6 hours per day
  • 1-3 hours per day
  • More than 6 hours per day

C3. Which TV channel do you watch the most? (Choose one (1) ONLY)

Astro NTV 7
RTM 2 TV 9
TV 3 Other: ______________
C4. Do you listen to the local radio?
  • Yes (Proceed to Q5)
  • No (Proceed to Q7)

C5. How many hours of local radio station do you listen to a day? (Choose one (1) ONLY)

  • Less than 1 hour per day
  • 1-3 hours per day
  • 4-6 hours per day
  • More than 6 hours per day

C6. Which local radio station do you listen to the most? (Choose one (1) ONLY)

One FM Hitz. FM
988 FM Fly FM
Melody FM Lite FM
Ai FM Era FM
Red FM Hot FM
Sinar FM Other: ______________

C7. Which social media do you use the most? (Choose one (1) ONLY)

Facebook Twitter
Instagram WeChat
WhatsApp Other: ______________

SECTION D: Awareness of Obesity

Tick (✓) the spaces provided to indicate your level of agreement with the statements below.

Instruction: Please answer the following section based on the following scale:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Somewhat Agree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
D-I. Problem Recognition
No Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1 Obesity is becoming an increasingly significant problem in my community.
2 There is an urgent need to solve the obesity problem in my community.
3 There is much room for local authorities and the government to improve the policies controlling obesity in Malaysia.
4 I believe the prevention of obesity is essential.
D-II. Constraint Recognition
No Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1 I cannot do anything to solve the obesity problem in my community.
2 My efforts to combat the obesity problem in my community are pointless.
3 I do not see any point in trying to encourage my community members to control their weight.
4 I think I could not affect my community members to control their weight and prevent obesity.
D-III. Involvement Recognition
No Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1 I am concerned that gaining weight is affecting my life.
2 I believe obesity could affect my health.
3 I have a strong opinion about obesity.
4 I feel that obesity affects me personally.

- - End of Survey Questionnaire - -

Thank you for answering.


This article titled "Survey Questionnaire Sample For Research Paper" helps students to complete their master's and PhD thesis and research projects. Every quantitative survey research paper includes a questionnaire to collect data.

Travelogue Feature Article Example- Tour To Japan

Travelogue Feature Article Examples & Sample For Students- Tour To Japan. Short and Long Travelogue Feature Article Writing Examples For Students.

Travelogue Article

Travelogue article refers to the feature story writing that explains the traveler's tour guidelines. It is also known as a travel feature story writing in journalism. Journalists write travelogue articles to inform others about tourist spots. A travel feature article is always designed to ensure a hassle-free journey to a particular location like a travel itinerary.

The most common feature articles are profiles, how-to, reviews, and travelogue articles. Travelogue article is a crucial feature in journalism for recreation and entertainment. The writer follows the inverted pyramid of writing style to attract readers. Readers always read the headlines and story leads to decide whether to read the whole article or leave it. Therefore, the headlines and feature leads include how, where, and what to explore.

People travel for various perspectives: recreation, business, job purposes, multicultural immigration, curiosity, and adventure.

Elements of Travelogue Article

The Ten Elements to write a travelogue article are:
1. Visit and explore the place
2. Write a descriptive story
3. Explain how to travel to the destination
4. Discuss the hotel, motel and accommodation
5. Review the cultural and traditional background
6. Explain the historical and tourist attraction
7. Discuss the food and restaurant
8. Notify the weather and atmosphere
9. Report the shopping mall
10. Mention the Dos and Don'ts fact.

Travelogue Feature Article Example for Students

The two examples of travelogue feature articles have been illustrated for students. The first example represents a long history and the second example illustrates a five-day short travelogue article. These travelogue examples are suitable for those students who want to write a travelogue article.

The title of the long travelogue article is "Tour To Tokyo, Japan: The Place of Peace." A journalism student at the University of Putra Malaysia wrote this article. Students may follow the structure of this article to know how to write a long travelogue article.

The author presents an ideal travel feature article example for students that includes most components of the travelogue article.

Travelogue Example for Students & Travelogue Sample
Travelogue Example for Students
A Long Travelogue Feature Article Writing Example -1
Tour To Tokyo, Japan: The Place of Peace

Tokyo is Japan's most beautiful and peaceful capital city, where every tourist wants to enjoy its breathtaking nature, historical buildings, delicious food, and traditional paces. A rumor, I had heard that traveling to Tokyo is very expensive. My tour to Japan provides a comprehensive travel guide to visit Japan on a cheap budget that will help every tripper enjoy Tokyo's beauty.

I planned to visit Japan from Malaysia, as I have stayed here since 2016. In 2018, I participated in an international conference at the University of Tsukuba in Tokyo, Japan. As my first step, I tried to book an air ticket at a low price because my budget was average. Most airline ticket prices were expensive, which worried me a little bit. Then I realized that Air Asia offers cheap plane tickets with limited baggage. I have no extra baggage so I can accept this opportunity. Luckily I managed to book a two-way ticket at a low price.

After nine hours of journey, when the plane reached Haneda Airport, I became amused to see Japan's beauty.

Tokyo is both the economic and political center of the country. It is one of the most populous capital cities globally, with around 37.4 million. This beautiful city has become the host of many international programs and events, for example, three G7 Summits and the Summer Olympics in 1 64. The airport, decorated with digital posters and banners, declared it would be the host of the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Japanese are very kind, humble, helpful, and polite. I perceived it during the conversation and asked for help from them.

Per my pre-planned, I decided to stay with my friend instead of at a hotel. He lives in the Akabane area, which is around 30 kilometers far from the Haneda International Airport. So, I was looking for a station to get the train to Akabane. I asked a Japanese police officer to help me find the train station to take me there.

I became amused to see his hospitality; he had taken me to the exact location where I could get the train. He also paid money for my ticker because of not have Japanese currency. The tickets cost ¥1400, and the journey takes 5  minutes. Finally, he bowed to exchange greetings when saying goodbye to me. It is a tradition in Japan to bow while exchanging greetings.

I caught the last train from Haneda Airport Terminal 3 Train Station, and after 55 minutes, I arrived at Akabane station at 11:45 AM. My friend was waiting for me outside the station, wearing an anti-cold jacket, which amused me. I felt freezing whenever I came out of the station; because this area was not under air- conditioning. Instantly, I removed my jacket from my baggage and put it on to protect myself from the bitterly cold weather. I have always been afraid of the cold, but I enjoy the cold weather in Japan.

It was ten minutes' walking distance from my friend's house, so we started to walk, and finally, we reached our destination at 12:30 PM. It was the second time I was astonished that my friend had not locked his house. For my curiosity, I asked him why not lock his house when getting outside. He replied that there is a rare house robbery incident in Japan, even though you leave your houses without locking them.

Travelogue Feature Article Example- Tour To Tokyo Japan

The following day, I woke up early to prepare and participate in a conference held by the University of Tsukuba. This is the first time I have fallen in love with the beauty of Japan to see the fantastic weather. It was freezing weather with windy and falling snow. This was my first experience of seeing snowfall. I dreamed of experiencing this kind of atmosphere that I had only seen in the cinema.

My habit is capturing photos; therefore, I grabbed some pictures inside and outside the station. Now I know how to purchase a ticket using the ticket machine that the Japanese police officer taught me last night. I bought my ticket to get to the University of Tsukuba.

I joined the APEC- Tsukuba International Conference XIII, and they offered a buffet lunch for all participants.  There was no doubt that this conference paved the way for me to be connected with academic life in the future. The university appointed a few guides to ease our movements in new places. The guide took us to a restaurant to have lunch. It was my first opportunity to test Japanese food. I thought I would not feel comfortable eating Japanese food when I  saw them on the table. My concept turned reversed when I tried them. These foods were very delicious, and everyone enjoyed them.

Most of the food items were preferable to me, except raw eggs. Japanese restaurants provide raw eggs, and many Japanese and foreigners eat them.  I stopped eating in the meantime, having lunch to think whether the foods were halal or not. I asked the guide for confirmation, and he replied that these foods were perfectly halal. He also said that all restaurants in Japan are not halal, so Muslims should be more aware of having food in Japanese restaurants.

The obesity rate in Japan is higher than in other countries; therefore, they set different prices for the same food for lunch and dinner. Usually, they set the dinner food price higher to discourage people from having heavy food at night.

Japan Restaurant

Figure 2: Traditional Japanese Restaurant

The gift-giving etiquette is another ritualistic and meaningful custom in Japan. They offer gifts on many occasions; for example, they provide many traditional gifts for all participants at the conference. Nobody can deny the cordial hospitality offered by the University of Tsukuba. Along with me, all the participants from diverse countries became glad and praised them. They are treating us very politely. I became confused several times when I thought about how they attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 in the United States. It seems Tokyo is the world's most secure and peaceful capital for living without the hassle.

I decided to rest for the third day because I was exhausted. We spent the whole day together inside the house, gossiping, cooking, and eating. In addition, we planned to roam around Tokyo the next day. I have to return to Malaysia in two days, so I need to plan to see all the best places in Tokyo within two days. We divided Tokyo City into two zones for visiting them in two days.

On the fourth day, my friend and I followed the train to visit SKYTREE, the tallest tower in Japan, located in Sumida, Tokyo. It costs only JP¥450 and takes around 30 minutes from Akabane station to Oshiage Station (SKYTREE), but it needs to change the platform two times. Since 2011, it has been the tallest structure in Japan, extending its height to 634.0 meters and making it the second tallest tower and structure globally, after the Canton Tower and the Burj Khalifa. The primary objective of using this tower is broadcasting; for example, they use it for TV signals and radio waves for national broadcaster NHK and a few numbers TV channels.

Every day they allow only 10,000 tourists to visit the sky tree. The ticket option is divided into three types: combo ticket, Tembo gallery, and Tembo deck. The ticket is around JP¥10 00 for all three tiers. Tourists can visit only one or two, or all three decks. My excitement was palpable when I was lifted to the top floor of the Sky Tree. We had seen all three tiers—the tower's appearance changes with changes in a light color.

My tour to Japan was successful when I saw Tokyo from the Tembo Deck and the tower's top floor. Viewing the entire city from the top floor at night was excellent. After all, I did not forget to buy some souvenirs from the observation levels of Tokyo Sky Tree; it made my journey more compelling.

Sky Tree Tokyo Japan

Figure 3: The Main Entrance of the Tokyo Skytree

Good time flies so fast. It was challenging to realize that I had spent five days here. My return flight schedule was at night; I made it to utilize the whole day sightseeing. On my fifth and final day in Japan, I visited many historical and traditional places, such as the Imperial Palace, the Sensō-Ji Temple, the National Museum of Nature and Science, and Ueno Park and Zoo. In addition, I tested Japanese street food; although these are a little bit expensive, some foods are cheap.

You can buy souvenirs, gifts, and food cheaply in many places. I purchased pens, gift items, and great souvenirs in Asakusa on Nakam Street. It’s a great street to visit and walk along your path to see the traditional temple, and along the walk, you can buy snacks and conventional gifts. Japanese people are well organized and always respect the senior people in every sector. Traditionally, seniority acted as the prime qualification for holding a higher rank.

In short, Tokyo is not an ordinary place that I forget quickly. According to Japanese "architect Tadao Ando “Look at London or Paris:  they are filthy. You don’t get that in Tokyo. The proud residents look after their city.” Traveling to Tokyo was a tour and an experience I earned adequately. I can forget my tour, but I cannot forget my experiences. So, if you love traveling, you will love Tokyo!

Short Travelogue Examples For Students-2
This article sample is collected from ChatGPT and includes a five-day tour history in Tokyo, Japan.
Tokyo: Embracing Tradition and Innovation in Japan's Dynamic Capital

Nestled on the eastern coast of Honshu island, Tokyo stands as a vibrant metropolis where ancient traditions seamlessly blend with cutting-edge technology. Join me as I explore this captivating city's bustling streets, serene temples, and culinary delights.

Day 1: Arrival in Tokyo

As I stepped off the plane and into the bustling Narita Airport, I was immediately struck by the energy and efficiency that defines Tokyo. After a smooth ride on the efficient train system, I arrived in the heart of the city and checked into my hotel in the vibrant Shibuya district. Eager to start exploring, I set out to experience the iconic Shibuya Crossing, where a sea of humanity ebbs and flows with each changing traffic light.

Day 2: Discovering Tokyo's Cultural Treasures

My second day in Tokyo was dedicated to immersing myself in the city's rich cultural heritage. I began by visiting the majestic Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa, where the scent of incense filled the air and worshippers prayed for good fortune. Next, I wandered through the tranquil gardens of the Meiji Shrine, surrounded by towering cedar trees and peaceful serenity. In the evening, I indulged in a traditional izakaya dinner, savoring grilled skewers and sake in a cozy atmosphere reminiscent of old Japan.

Day 3: Exploring Modern Marvels

Tokyo is a city where tradition meets innovation, and nowhere is this more evident than in its modern architecture and technology. I spent my third day exploring the futuristic district of Odaiba, with its towering skyscrapers, high-tech shopping malls, and interactive museums. From the panoramic views of the city skyline from the Tokyo Skytree to the immersive exhibits at the teamLab Borderless digital art museum, I was constantly amazed by Tokyo's forward-thinking spirit.

Day 4: Culinary Adventures

No trip to Tokyo would be complete without sampling its world-renowned cuisine. I spent my fourth day indulging in a culinary adventure, from savoring fresh sushi at the iconic Tsukiji Fish Market to slurping ramen noodles at a bustling noodle shop in Shinjuku. I even tried my hand at making sushi during a hands-on cooking class, learning the art of rice preparation and fish slicing from a master chef.

Day 5: Reflections on Tokyo

As my time in Tokyo came to an end, I found myself reflecting on the myriad experiences and memories I had made in this dynamic city. From its ancient temples to its modern skyscrapers, Tokyo had captivated my heart and left an indelible mark on my soul. As I boarded the plane home, I knew that Tokyo would forever hold a special place in my heart, a city of endless possibilities and unforgettable moments.

This travelogue article offers a firsthand account of a journey through Tokyo, Japan, highlighting its cultural treasures, modern marvels, culinary delights, and vibrant atmosphere. Through vivid descriptions and personal reflections, it transports readers to the heart of this dynamic and captivating city

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