Types of Photojournalism- Different Types of Photojournalism

Types of Photojournalism- Different Types of Photojournalism & Photography PDF. Examples of Photojournalism.


Photojournalism uses photography to explain a moment, issue, incident, or story. It is a way of storytelling that represents a story visually via photos. Photojournalism is a part of print journalism that has become an essential part of journalism. In photojournalism, the photo attracts the audience to spend more time on it. It attracts the readers to read the entire story like a news lead. A good photo illustrates the entire story shortly.

Types of Photojournalism

Different Types of Photojournalism in Photography

The Eight Types of Photojournalism are:

  1. Spot News Photojournalism
  2. General News Photojournalism
  3. Feature Photojournalism
  4. Sports Action Photojournalism
  5. Sports Features Photojournalism
  6. Portrait/Personality Photojournalism
  7. Pictorial Photojournalism
  8. Illustration Photojournalism
1. Spot News Photojournalism

Spot news photographs carry an urgent, unplanned, and often unpleasant or undesirable ambiance. The coverage cannot be scheduled in advance. Spot news photography includes automobile accidents, airplane crashes, tornadoes, fires, murders, bank robberies, etc. It also represents various acute, exciting, and usually noteworthy occurrences that help characterize life. Usually, spot news occurs without notice and ends quickly, or its most newsworthy aspects do. Unless aftermath photos are acceptable, photographers must arrive soon. Many newspaper photographers use police monitors, cellular telephones, and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to get spot news.

Spot photojournalism

Covering Spot News

Once the photographer has arrived, the key to successfully covering spot news is to quickly ascertain what is going on and decide which aspect is the most important and truthful—which element is the most appropriate. Then photographers marshal all the technological and creative aspects of photojournalism to inform readers well within appropriate legal restraints and ethical limitations. Photographers should always record what appears to be the essential aspect first. It would help if you made every reasonable effort to keep intrusion to a minimum—by using attention-getting flash, staying physically as far from the action as possible, respecting police lines, take care not to destroy potential evidence—by walking on them.

Spot news often presents two sides: the hard-core event and the secondary but often humanizing aspects.

2. General News Photojournalism

Journalistic organizations schedule the general news photojournalism process, termed general or planned news. Covering general news may not have the adrenaline-producing excitement of raging fires, police shootouts, etc., but this category regularly offers photojournalists opportunities to inform readers about significant happenings. General news allows photojournalists to plan to know a story—what it is, where it came from, where it is, and where it probably is headed. If time allows, delve into subjects so you can make informed decisions about coverage and emphasis—you can avoid covering the superficial and obvious gimmick setup. Photojournalists should get familiar with the subject and physical layout of coverage sites.

Covering General News

You must be cooperative with reporters from your organization who can help you in your quest to inform readers visually. Reporters can provide insight into a story that photojournalists might miss.

Hard News
Two Types of General News
  1. Hard News: Something that’s happening now. It’s “important” news. Seeks to inform rather than entertain.
  2. Breaking News: Hard news that’s happening right now. An ongoing story. 
3. Features News Photojournalism

The feature is a broad category that includes images with at least some news value and pictures that may easily fit in one or more other non-news categories.

Two Types of Feature photojournalism  are:

1) Lighthearted images that entertain more than inform.
2) Serious images that inform more than entertain.

Feature photojournalism examples:

For example, light-hearted images are squirrels chewing on nuts, children playing in large boxes, and parents pushing children on swings.

For example, serious images are dying people with AIDS mounting a valiant fight against the disease, a child violin prodigy destined for fame. Serious images convey news overtones or connections or probe the life of their community, to reach toward their subjects’ hearts and souls.

Editors use feature articles when space is available, and they have no images of a more severe and essential nature or when the graphically dull page needs sprucing up.

4. Sports Action Photojournalism 

Sports action images are interested in capturing the actions as they happen. Photographing sports action is dangerous. 

However, there are three important ways to minimize your risk in covering spots action and to ensure you record critical moments:

  1. Firstly, knowing how games are played.
  2. Secondly, knowing players' and coaches' strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.
  3. Finally, constantly being alert to potential as well as actual action.
Sports Features Photojournalism
Example of the best sports photojournalism of the year 2024

2024 best sports photojournalism of the year

6. Portrait / Personality Photojournalism

The portrait/Personality category is not all faces, but it offers glimpses into hearts and souls. The photographer lets readers walk in the shoes of those pictured.

Although faces lend themselves to the person's scrutiny, portrait/personality images need not be facial views to probe for deeper meaning. Back pictures and body forms can speak volumes. Good portrait/personality images reveal as much about the photographer as the photographer. Only image-makers attuned to nuances of nonverbal communication and comfortable with personal interaction can consistently visually plumb subjects’ inner selves. It represents emotion and sympathy.

Portrait Photojournalism

7. Pictorial Photojournalism

Outstanding images in the pictorial category showcase the artistic side of photojournalism. Pictorials typically depend on light and form and their interaction. These images make readers pause, perhaps to reminisce about pleasant and similar experiences or to feel a little better and a little brighter.

 Pictorial typically entertains more than informs.

8. Illustration Photojournalism

Illustration photojournalism refers to combined or manipulated images that create a “new” image. Nevertheless, news photographers can not manipulate a picture without calling it a photo illustration.  Images in this category visually try to convey ideas concepts, and products. Both categories demand a particularly high technical photographic expertise and keen, incisive minds that can produce images that convey the intended messages while doing so in clever, eye-catching ways.

Examples Photo of Illustration Photojournalism

Illustration Photojournalism

In conclusion, the eight examples of photojournalism are spot news, general news, feature, sports action, sports features, portrait, pictorial and illustration photojournalism.

Media Convergence Definition, Example Types & Elements

Media Convergence Example- Example of Media Convergence. Media Convergence in Journalism. Who and when established the Media convergence theory? Also, Examples and Elements of Media Convergence. Characteristics of New Media Audiences.


Convergence means converging multiple items to unite things to get benefits.  It is the process of forming a unique thing by utilizing two or more things. The convergence has been happening in all sectors to meet people's demands. This world is very famous in the medical discipline. As per the technological revolution, technological and media convergence has been impossible to reverse trends.

Types of Convergence

According to Henry Jenkins, the six types of convergence are technological, media, global, economic, cultural, and organic.

Media Convergence

Media convergence refers to merging diverse media outlets, including traditional and new media, to promote the program and media content. The traditional and new media have been merged to adjust to new technology. There are many types of convergence, such as technological convergence and cultural convergence. The new technology and culture have changed human lifestyles. The revolution of technology stimulates media convergence. Technology adoption theories and models explain why and how people accept new technology excessively. Additionally, technological and cultural convergence forces the mass media to converge with other mainstream and new media.

Media Convergence Example

Example of Media Convergence 

For example, the most popular Indian reality TV show name is "Indian Idol." It is a singing competition Television series. Sony Entertainment Television telecasts the full episodes. Firstly, the candidates need to download the Sony liv app for registration. Sony Television has social media pages to promote the programs. The TV authority uses social media platforms to promote upcoming episodes as most people access new media sites more than traditional media. They also request their audiences to vote for their favorite contestants via smartphones. The active and passive audiences can provide their opinions via social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Sometimes, they use FM and traditional radio to advertise the program. In sum, the program authority merges Sony Television, smartphones, radio, Facebook, and YouTube channel to promote the program successfully. It is an example of media convergence in the digital era.

Media Convergence in Journalism

Media convergence in journalism means mutually utilizing print, broadcast, and online media to promote the news. Journalists use many media to spread the news among the maximum number of people locally and internationally. Media convergence in journalism appears as a significant step toward survival in the new media age.

There are two types of media convergence in journalism: (1) media convergence in collecting news and media convergence in reporting the news. Firstly, journalists collect information from other media and cite the source name when publishing information. It enhances the news value in print journalism. Television channels disseminate news from other channels such as radio, TV, newspapers, and social media.

Secondly, media authority uses multiple media to publish the news. People prefer to read online newspapers from social media sites rather than printed papers. Therefore, journalists publish the news via a printed newspaper and website portal and share them on social media platforms to reach more audiences.

Example of Media Convergence in Journalism

For example, The Star is the most popular newspaper outlet in Malaysia. A journalist for "The Star" has collected information from Malaysiakini. The Star has published the news via printed newspapers and online portals. They have also shared the news link via their Facebook page to reach the news among social media users. The authority has converged a few media to spread the news among a maximum number of audiences.

Technology Convergence

A long time ago, people used to listen to the radio to get news, Television to watch drama, cameras to capture photos, and bookshelves to keep books. Nowadays, people use only smartphones and computers to fulfill all their needs.

Who and when established Media convergence theory?

Henry Jenkins introduced media convergence theory in 2006 via his book Convergence Culture: Where Old and new media collide.

Elements of Media Convergence

The five essential elements of media convergence are technological, social, industrial, textual, and political.

Technological Convergence

Technology convergence has brought computer, communication, and content together, which is called 3 C. Here, 3 C refers to a computer, communication, and content. Computers and smartphones have digitilized the content, and digital content has changed the process of communication. The revolution of new technology and media convergence has changed the way of generating content and distribution. It has influenced the news production and distribution process totally. For example, now, every newspaper outlet has its own social media fan page, providing breaking news. Technology has allowed these outlets to operate live video programs that provide very authentic news for audiences.  Therefore, subscribers are getting instant news through new technology convergence. It is definitely a positive impact of convergence in communication outlets.

Social Convergence

Social media convergence has both positive and negative impacts on society. It is called the double edge sword for the communication sector in society.  Social media are a computer and application-based networking system that ease human communication through the internet (Kobiruzzaman, Waheed, Yaakup & Osman, 2018). Social media have emerged as the most convenient and popular communication platform, also known as new media. People are adopting social media for entertaining, imparting knowledge, sharing information, and communicating. There are many types of social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp, WeChat, Instagram, Zoom, Google meet, TikTok, QQ, Douyin, Sina Weibo, QZone, Snapchat, Reddit, Pinterest, and so more. Social media convergence made the news free of charge, so everyone could watch the news easily.

Many traditional media outlets disseminate the news through social media. For example, a newspaper outlet publishes printed newspapers, and it updates the same news on social media platforms. Thus, anyone can consume news from social media platforms without buying a printed copy of the newspaper. Social media convergence eases the way of reporting news for news reporters and editors. It has enabled news reporters and editors to collect news within a short time and disseminate them. Many journalists share their content on social media so that everyone can know who is the content writer.

Industrial Convergence

Many big industries have been merged into one giant company to dominate the sector. For example, in the 1990s and 2000s, many media companies expanded their business interest and merged with other companies. In the 1990s, industrial convergence is the  Viacom-Paramount (1994) and Disney-ABC (1995). In the 2000s, example of the biggest company merger is America On-Line (AOL), Time Warner, Viacom-CBS (2000), and NBC-Universal (2004). They took over the company to expand business in the media sector.

Textual Convergence

Textual convergence refers to the merging of printed media into online news media. For example, books and newspapers have been converted into social media-based writing and reading practices, also known as digital journalism. Anyone can contribute to the media industry by commenting on social media platforms. It is called textual convergence in media. Journalists are earning knowledge and improving themselves through convergence. Now journalists can view others' content easily because of convergence. They are getting ideas and improving themselves. It lets them learn more about generating media content's rules and regulations. Media convergence creates a new way to interact between media practitioners and audiences. Readers comment to express their opinion. So, it allows for making interactive communication atmosphere.

Political Convergence

Convergence has managed to increase the similarity between political parties worldwide. It brings the similarity between political parties and policies inside the parties.

Characteristics of New Media

Audiences According to Don Tapscott (2008), new media audiences have the following characteristics:

  • New media audiences want liberty in everything they do—for example, freedom of choice and expression.
  • New media audiences love to customize, scrutinize, and personalize.
  • They look for corporate integrity and openness when deciding what to buy and where to work.
  • New media audiences want entertainment and play in their work, education, and social life.
  • They are collaborative and relationship generation.
  • Audiences are innovators.

Social media availability has formed the characteristic of new media audiences.
In Conclusion, If someone asks me to do I think convergence is essential or not? I will answer: Yes, I think change is always good. Change is part of the natural adoption process that drives the communication industry. The problem will occur when we avoid change. So, we cannot avoid the pace of change.

Citation For This Article (APA 7th Edition)
Kobiruzzaman, M. M. (2023). Media Convergence Definition, Example Types & Elements. Newsmoor- Educational Website For Online Learning. https://newsmoor.com/media-convergence-example-elements-of-media-convergence-in-communication/